Happy News:)
I've really been down & out the past few weeks, December is a bad month for my family & me. If I could sleep the whole month & bypass it I would be happy! But seeing the faces of Katie & my grandkids is worth staying awake!
Anyway, as you know I babysit my grandkids. Son Chuck has been laid off the past 2 weeks & Carrie's hours have really been down, she only worked 2 days last week, so financially it's been pretty rough around here & with the kids. I started hitting the want ad's yesterday looking for something part time, weekends mostly so I would be available to babysit. I saw the ad for RGIS Inventory, flex hours etc. I called my cousin Jody & she had seen the same ad (she had worked for Gateway) & yes she was interested as well. We met & went to the open interview together. Out of 7 ppl that showed up we were the only 2 to get hired! He interviewed us together (very infomal) told us about the job then he asked if there were any questions & I said when do we start?! Think it threw him for a loop! We start training on Friday. The hours are very open so I'll be able to work around babysitting. They also pay minimum wage for the drive time! They do meet & ride together in Sioux City but if they are working in my direction I can drive myself & still get paid. Told him I couldn't see any sense of wasting gas to come into the city only to turn around & be working closer to home. He agreed with me & said many do this. I'm pretty excited about this, not only for the extra money but getting out again.
besides that I had to replace my washer & dryer & need the extra income to pay for it!!!
Merry Christmas to all,

Ty ty ty
I will be taking inventory at stores, gas stations etc. You see the ppl in the stores clicking away on that black box? That's what I'll be doing. Sounded like fun & the best thing is I can pick what days & hours I want to work so will be scheduling around babysitting. Think it scared Carrie at first thinking I was going to qui****ching the kids. She was relieved when I told her this was something I could pick & choose. They have something different for payroll also, you can have your checked mailed to you or you can have direct deposit OR they have what they call an E card it's like a debit card with your payroll already on it! Of course you get your pay stub as well. Thought that was kind of cool, going to ask more questions tomorrow about that one.
of course those gals in Eastern Iowa probably know all about those, they aren't in the backwoods like we are over here!!! You take care & talk to you soon. Have a safe trip