12/14 Goals and Roll call OOPS - late as again!
Good morning,
Sorry that I did not get this posted yesterday. I wasn't at work and did not have time to get on the computer at all.
Goals are basically the same as last week. Just need to add one: keep the stress level down. My hubby, teenager and I are gutting my kitchen the day after Christmas and then the contractor comes in January 3rd to start re-modeling. He is going to be leveling the walls, flooring, ceiling, etc. So we are looking at a huge project with huge inconveniences attached! I am excited, but soooooooooo nervous about how I am going to cook for the family. WON'T have money to go out to eat all of the time and that is something that I don't enjoy a lot anyway.
Also, on another note, please say prayers for my friend Ann today. She is having some surgery to remove or fix a growth inside her intestine - they think. It is something that is related to her wls (less than a year ago) and she hasn't been able to eat for about 3 weeks - liquids only - and, she is already beyond goal and is in danger of losing too much now. I pray that she will come through fine and heal quickly.
As I sit here eating my banana and peanut butter while I listen to "Away In A Manger" before going out to the classrooms to work, I am reminded of the wonderful blessings that I have. Wow - I have been given the blessing of forgiveness, mercy, grace and eternal love from God through His Son Jesus. What awesome love!! I have also been blessed with health this past year and a tremendous family with a house and dependable vehicles. ...."My cup overfloweth..." For the question of the week, what are your blessings? In our fast-paced world, we often get caught up in what we DON'T have rather than what we are blessed with. Take a moment to reflect and let us all know how blessed you are this year!!
God's blessings of love and peace to each of you this holiday season,
Andrea Denger
My goals for the week are:
1. Get in my protein
2. Get in my potassium supplement
3. Water
4. Walk more
5. Weigh sometime this week
I feel that even though it has been a rough year I am blessed! I have a wonderful son who makes my day everyday! I have a beautiful niece and another niece or nephew on the way. I have family and friends that care about me. And I am now on the losing side!
My goals are to get my Christmas cards out today. I have received a lot from you all, I really appreciate them. They make my day.
My other goals are to
walk more
get more protein in ( I only have 50 pounds to go, December 22 will be my 1 year anniversary since surgery)
Get my multivitamin in.
I hope everybody has a great Christmas!!!!
Take Care
Lisa Young
Good afternoon......i guess we all are busy right now.. goals for last week i did really good. I finally got my WHOLE apt clean... now i am tired as heck but finally done......goal this week are going to be really easy..
1. take it easy
2. get rest of apt christmas decorations up.
3. make kids pick apt every nite.
see told you easy.......
I am so blessed to have so many new friends on here that support me. i am also blessed for my mom and dad that were there for me when i was so sick and now i can be there when they need help. i am so blessed for my family and for still be living after all my complications. i am also blessed for a great surgeon and nurses at the hospital that took care of me when i was down at me worst.
God bless you to Andrea and everyone else. Happy holidays.....
First I will keep your friend in my thoughts & prayers. How scary it must be for her.
Goals for the week, shake this body below the 190's. Once again I'm bouncing 188-192!!
Get the Christmas cards out, yes I have them ready
Get out of this funk I've been in & get something done around here!
I'm blessed with friends & family. I think the best thing that has happened was not only surgery but finding this site. I have read other Message Board sites & I have to say this is the most loving, supportive group I have seen. My family & I are in good health, dad made it to Tampa ok with no problems. There are way to many to list!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all of you & your families.

got thru finals on monday, tuesday and wednesday, with FLYING COLORS I might add ;) hehe.. glad to be done..
NOW< I will post this on a separate.. but I just found out my panniculectomy has been moved up to the 23rd of december... sooooooooooo
this week, GETTING READY FOR THE SURGERY! clean clean clean clean
anybody feel like helping me clean? lol
hugs to you all@!