I'm home...don't know what to think....
I am now on the losing side, but so not happy to be here. I had spent months on the boards and lots of time visiting with others regarding their WLS experiences. NO ONE told me how bad this was going to be!!!
I have suffered from the minute I woke up and continue to do so pretty much all the time. My friend told me if I had had a c-section, this would be a piece of cake....NOT! The day after the twins were born, I was up walking in the hall, showering and curling my hair. The day after WLS, I was having a panic attack in my hospital bed because the nurse left me with no call light and I was having massive pain. Today is post-op day 5 and I get light-headed when I stand up, feel yucky at all times and am just plain uncomfortable in any position. I have never regretted doing something so much in my life. I know you will say I will feel differently later, but am unable to see that at this time. I just needed to vent, when will it get better????? Did anyone else have this bad of experience???? Why didn't I know about it beforehand? When I asked my friend why she didn't tell me about this, she told me she didn't want me to be scared? I am one who wants to know whats coming before it hits like a mac truck, really, I think the mac truck forgot to back off me after it hit me.
Thanks for listening!

HI! I'm not sure how I can help you, I'm sorry your having such a hard time. I had Lap RNY on the 29th of Novmeber (12 days out), and I'm doing really well. I do have funny tummy aches once in a while after I eat, I'm still on the full liquid diet until Monday...I have to admit I'm ready for real food!!! Are you getting your protein drinks down? That was the hardest part for me. I do know if you let yourself get dehydrated you will feel ill.
I Know I wasn't much help, just know that your not alone. and If you need to vent more, I'm going to be online for a while.
As you said better days are ahead...Hang in there!!
HUGS to you
Sorry, can't help you out but wanted you to know that we are here for support. Everyday should get better for you. Have you taken any tylenol? That is acceptable, but DO NOT take asprin. Everyone has different pain tolerances also. You aren't running a fever are you? Or drainage looking any different? Or incision area hot? As far as getting lightheaded that's common, your body has been through trauma. Keep pushing your fluids & walk walk walk. The walking will help with the pain. Sorry I couldn't be of any help to you. Please keep us posted.

I'm really sorry you're not doing so well. You know, you just had major surgery that rearranged a bunch of stuff in your abdomen. It is not unusual that you have pain. You apparently are one of the unlucky ones who is having more than usual. Did you surgeon send you home with pain meds? If so be sure to take them as often as necessary. Don't put off taking a dose because you feel good at that moment. You need to stay ahead of the pain. The pain will go away shortly. Each day will get better but it might take a week or so before you actually can admit that you feel good. Just be patient. If you run out of pain meds, call to see if they can give you a refill. If they won't you'll have to rely on Tylenol. You can get a liquid one made for adults in the drug store. It's pretty sweet & it may cause dumping but it does work.
Most of all, get your rest but walk every chance you get. Although you may want to stay in bed or on a recliner, be sure to get up every hour or so during the day to get moving. It will help you to recover much faster & help prevent blood clots.
Chin up. It will get better.
I think we set ourselves up kinda.....I too had asked the questions about the c-sections and pain levels....I was told the c-section was WAY worse! Well I have had two c-sections, one emergency and one regular...with both of those I was up and running around better than the women who had given birth vaginally! I was sure the WLS was going to be a breeze! I WAS WRONG!!! I was in major pain, I could barely get up out of bed by myself, I had horrible diarehha and couldn't wipe myself
I did walk a lot, but it was VERY slow for awhile.....The first time they got me up to walk I almost passed out for being so dizzy! Did you have lap or open.....I had lap and I was not prepared for the pain at all.....You are uncomfortable and miserable......they stretched and pulled and filled you up with gas.....I was not ready for that much pain!!! I was in the hospital for 6 days! My only suggestion is to drink a lot of fluids, walk as much as you can, and KEEP the pain meds going.....as long as you stay ahead of the pain, it gets easier!!! I always say it is a crazy bumpy ride, but worth it in the end! I also tell people to prepare for the worst, and when it isn't that bad, well its a bonus! But I did like you and thought it would be easy, and boy was I miserable and shocked!!!!! It will get better, and you will start to feel better! Take Care and Keep us posted!

I understand how you regret doing this. I did for the first six or seven months. I was in so much pain i was doing the morphine and plus other shots of pain killers every half hour for the first 23 days. well i was still in the hospital tho. I am sorry if noone told you that you may regret having this surgery. I think people need to be up front about everything. Cuz if we are not we are just lieing to ourselves. I am now just telling people how i truly felt. cuz honestly i didnt know it myself now. I had days when in the hospital i wish i could of reverse the surgery but one thing that stopped me was that i almost died and i felt if i did reverse this i would die and i couldnt do that to my family or friends. Sorry your friend didnt tell you the down side. make sure you rest cuz you body still needs it.......and Welcome to the losing side......lynda
Twin Momma:
Hi, sorry to hear you're having a hard time. I wondered what I had done to myself the first two days post op!! I have had 2 c-sections,abdominal hysterectomy, and an appendectomy. I was in no way prepared for the pain I felt!!! It surpassed any of the surgeries I mentioned. It is so importent that you walk around as much as possible!!! Not only does it prevent blood clots, but it keeps you from getting stiff and sore. Also, like everyone said, take your pain meds every four hours, or as prescribed, whether you need them or not! It will get better!!!! Hang in there!!!! Once you start feeling human again, and the weight starts comming off, it will be so worth it!!! take care, DeeAnn R.
Honestly each case is different, I know that I totally was prepared for the worst. I was very lucky and I have had a really good experience thus far. Of course there are going to be some type of issues as you go through this life-altering situation, but in the end, it will all be worth it. I know also that it doesn't matter really what others tell you because each case is different. Hang in there, it has to get better.
Twin Momma,
I'm sorry that I did not get to your post earlier. I hope that things are going better for you. Please remember that if you ever feel that something isn't normal, call your surgeon. If you continue to be miserable, please let your surgeon know and get some help - different pain meds or something. I pray that the healing process will get easier for you.
God bless,