where has this yr gone?????
Boy looking back to a yr ago today don't seem possible that i was doing the last minute stuff before my surgery... Saturday on the 11th i will be out one full yr. wow don't seem possible. boy have i ever changed in a yr. I can honestly say i am not the same person i was a yr ago. I have people coming up that say omg you are so different. then i got people saying wow what a change in you. I have to say the biggest change is they way i feel towards me. Yeah the weight is a big change but i feel good about me finally. I like me and i am ok with me. I have notice the further out i am the more i am ok with me and what i am doing with my life. never thought in a million yrs i would want to go back to college. and guess what i am going and i am doing it for me....i always wanted more out of life and now i am getting more out of my life. i have to tell you guys this and sorry if i make some people mad at this. i was walking outside one day and this car honked and the guy waved and smiled didnt think much of it well was walking around walmart and two guys walked by me and said boy she has a nice behindhat word but you get it) well i loooked around and was looking to see who they were talking about boy i was shocked it was me cuz i was the only one around.
So me who is like duh i go home and ask two guys were upstairs and i said i got a question for you guys they were like ok. so i asked about my behind? they laughed and said ummm we dont know so i turn around and said look and tell me. they laughed and said yeah dummy you got a nice one esp in those tight jeans. i was like ok cool. so now tight jean so show off my bottom. My sister brought me a pair of her very old levi jeans and i was wearing them.

Ok i will stop now. but boy this yr has flown by..........Lynda

Morning Lynda,
You must have been reading my mind this morning! It's been around a year since my denial & I'm thinking about how depressed I got, then having the heart attack really threw me for a loop. But look at me now, down 77 lbs from a year ago. From size 30/32 to a 16! Never in a million years would I have thought this would ever happen!!!
Great job on your weight loss...those "wow" moments are the best