This last week has been horrible! Since 12/1 I have had hives (allergy to something, either Lovenox or Lortab), a pressure sore behind my knee from the TED hose, and such a severe emotional phase that my mom came from Missouri to stay with me a few days because she was so worried about me.
Plus, I had the WORST time finding a protein I could tolerate. The Isopure that the dr. office recommended was horrible - I could barely get any of it down without getting sick, and what I did manage to consume made my stomack sick all day. I tried several other "shakes" before finally discovering Pro-Stat. I can drink that in hot tea and it goes down very easy.
NOW... my stomach is spasming around the G-tube and it HURTS so badly! I tried again to take the Lortab pain med they gave me, but shortly after doing that I had an episode where I felt like I was going to pass out: extremities all went numb, I was unable to control my fingers or to speak very easily. I am so glad that my friend was here or I don't know what I would have done.
If anyone were to ask me right now if I'm glad I did this, I'm afraid I'd have to say no.... I don't want to feel this way, because I know I am being successful - 26 pounds since surgery on 11/22... but I feel crappy.
Not to mention the hypersensitivity to tastes and smells. ugh.
I can't even begin to know how bad you feel right now Molly. BUT HANG IN THERE!!! There is a new, thin you just waiting to break out of that body of yours.
I haven't had surgery yet, but I know that Isopure is NASTY. It makes me sick now, so I expect after surgery it will be worse. Hang in there with the Prostat, it tastes decent.
My prayers and well wishes are all yours today. Hold on and just take it one day at a time. And most of all, be kind to yourself.
Hi Molly, I tried to email you, but I think I hit a wrong key or something, it just disappeared, so you may be getting an unfinished email from me, and to top it off, it wouldn't let me email again? Any way I wanted to tell you I'm sorry that you are having a hard time. But just hang in there I know it will get better for you. I'm also having trouble finding a protein drink that doesn't make me want to gag!! I wanted to ask you where you purchased the Pro-Stat, I would like to try it. Please let me know.
Thanks, and good luck, hopefully your hardest experiences are behind you!!!
Thank you so much for your words of support and encouragement. I know I'll get past this and in a few weeks or months I'll wonder what the fuss was about. It just seems like I started out so great my first week home, and how I'm faced with things I didn't expect. But I'm hanging in and I hope that I'll be one of the ones who says I am GLAD I did this.
Dunno what the problem might have been with getting email to me. I get the auto responses from this website, so I know they have the right one listed. Computer gremlins I guess.
The Pro-Stat I got from the Mercy West pharmacy. However, I would imagine that any pharmacy could order it for you. It comes in two flavors: Butter Pecan and Wild Cherry. You can try them both if you like, but I thought the butter pecan was as horrible as the shakes I tried. The wild cherry tastes sort of like a Luden's cough drop. I put 2 tablespooons in a mug of ho****er with 1 packet of splenda and it makes a very nice cherry tea. Do that 4 times a day and you've got your requirement of protein. For a little extra flavor, try some decaf fruit-flavored tea bags.
Good luck to you on your protein quest! I hope you find the Pro-Stat. If all else fails, perhaps you can mail order it from Mercy West in Des Moines. If I can help you, let me know.
The Pro-stat is also at the Mercy main hosp. outpatient pharmacy. There is also a website for Pro-Stat that I found really helpful, but to order it from them, you have to buy 6 bottles at once and you do get a discount. But the website talks all about protein and the needs of the bariatric patient. I thought it was great.
I want to warn you though, that it costs $40 a bottle at the pharmacy.
Molly, putting it in ho****er to make tea sounds like a nice little cherry drink. I'm going to keep that idea in mind. I agree it tastes like cough syrup, so if you like cough syrup, you could even just take it on a spoon. Yummy! I know, not yummy, but do-able at least.
Hang in there and be kind to yourself. You all will have to remind me of that too soon, I hope.
Morning Molly,
I know it's easier said than done but hang in there hon. It does get easier as time goes by. And by the way CONGRATS 

on your weight loss. Smell & taste buds sure do change with surgery, but this to shall pass. Have you tried the yogurt shakes? They are a little spendy, but I love them, I believe the have 20 some grams of protein in them. Good luck & keep us posted.

WOW!!! Sounds like a lot of stuff is going on for you, and NONE of it fun! Hang in there......Every day gets a little better.....I would call the surgeon and tell them that you are getting hives and major weird feelings with the loatab, there is no reason they shouldn't be able to switch you to something different! I forget?? Why did you have to have a G-tube? Shouldn't it be coming out soon??? Hopefully that will find you relief....I didn't have a G-tube but I had JP drains and felt 100% better the minute they were out! But I only had them for one week home! I so remember the hypersensitive huh??? Right after surgery, well maybe a week or two, my mom got a cheeseburger from Culvers and the smell of the onions made me puke!!! I got that when I was prenant too! Sucks! AGain congrats.....hang in there and know you aren't alone!! Take Care