Will be emotional day today
Dad will leave for Florida this morning. He will be gone all winter. I get pretty emotional about him going down there as I never have good feelings about him being in that state! I miscarried my twins there, & both of my brother's were killed there also. A couple of years ago when he was there he called & said he was coming home, he didn't feel good. When I didn't hear from him that night I called my sis-in-law & there was no answer. I knew something wasn't right as he always calls me when he stops at a motel & let's me know where he is. That way I know when to expect him. She called back a few hours later saying dad was in the hospital. He was so full of infections & the doc there said had he started for home he would have died on the road, at the time he was admitted they gave him 4 to 6 hours to live! So as he plans to take off today I'm pretty emotional & I don't really rest easy until he is home again. Dad is all I have left of my immediate family the rest of them have passed. Before I would have turned to my potato chips, ice cream etc for comfort, this time it will be my yogurt & cottage cheese! I refuse to have the junk food in the house as I know it would be to easy to get hooked again. Ok enough whine without the cheese.
So sorry to hear that Florida has been such an awful place for you
I wouldn't want him going there either!!!! He must enjoy it tho, or he wouldn't be going!!! Keep close tabs on him!!! NOW DON'T go mixing wine with your cheese......lol!!! I am glad you are strong enough to stay away from the junk.......I still tend to lean a little on the comfort foods when I am upset! Wish him a safe trip.......Take Care of yourself

Morning Jesi,
Thanks hon
I hate it down there but dad always says to me would you move out of Iowa if all of this had happened here? My answer, probably! Loren insisted we go there so I could put closure on my brother's death. He is buried at the Nat'l Cemetary down there & although we could sit on the road to see him lowered into the ground (no way I could do that) I had never been to his grave site. So Loren insisted we go down so I could visit Kenny's grave & hopefully put closure on his death. I couldn't wait to get out of that God Forsaken state. I didn't relax the whole time I was there! To many memories & not good ones. I'm happy that dad can deal with this & I hope maybe someday I can come to terms with all the emotions that I feel.

Thanks Andrea
It's always a trying time when he is there. Especially the 6th of the month, I never ever rest easy on that day. I miscarried the twins the 6th of Dec(1981) brother Kenny was killed on Jan 6th(1994) & brother Neil was killed there Feb 6th(1982)....I'm an emotional wreck any time the 6th rolls around! I don't sleep very well on the 6th of the month & if the phone rings early in the morning I'm really a basket case! Thanks again.