A little brag soooooo proud of me!
Last night was Katie's Christmas program at school. All I have are really baggy clothes,
ask Janet she can verify that one! Took a trip to WalMart thought I would get some new jeans & a sweater. The 18's are to big, the 16's fit a little better but the legs are so baggy, 14's to small. I did find a size 16 sweater that looks nice, not big not small. That's down from an 18 which of course I tried on first. No luck at WalMart so swung into Cato's thought what the heck nothing gained if I don't stop! I tried on 16 Jr's & THEY FIT!!!!!! 

I was soooo excited I could hardly wait to get home! They fit so nice in the legs & the bisquits, quite a change from the baggies! Katie was drooling when I tried them on! And dad got tears in his eyes when he saw me. He hugged me up & told me how proud he was of me & that I looked great. That meant the world to me. I ended up buying 2 pairs as they were clearanced out at $10 per pair! When we walked into the commons there were several teachers standing there & their mouths just dropped! Afterward there were alot of hugs & people telling me how good I looked, how they did a double take etc. The new clothes did show there has been a significant weight loss & I was on top of the world! Ok enough bragging, just wanted to share with all of you

You should be proud of yourself, you are doing great!!! I still have a hard time believing I don't wear 26/28 anymores......By habit I still always go to the plus size section, then when I realize none of that stuff fits, I wonder over to the juniors or whatever......but I always feel like I shouldn't be over there......like the other people are looking at me, wondering why the fat chick is trying to shop in the smaller clothes!!! I guess I have some body imaging problem
That is so cool about your dad.......he has probably waited a long time to see you happy and healthy, he has got to be so proud!!! Too bad yopu don't live closer to me, we have a new goodwill superstore with TONS of jean......I mean TONS and everything is only 3.50.......We could shop for hours togehter! Brag all you want, I love hearing it!!! Take Care

Hi again!
I still find myself going to the fat ladies side to shop! It's just habit. I know I feel like ppl are looking at me to wondering why I'm in the smaller section...
they better get over cuz I am! It's hard to believe that I'm shopping for those sizes now after all these years, the last time I wore this size was 30 plus years ago. Feel like a kid again! And I'm loving every minute of it.
Yes, dad is very proud of me, he wants me to take pics & send them to him while he is gone. He keeps telling my sis in law if I turn sideways you can't see me
ya right dad or that the wind is going to carry me away cuz I've lost this much.
have a longgggggg way to go before that happens.
I wish I did live closer, could have to much fun shopping. Even if I didn't buy it's fun to go & try on clothes now.
Take care

Dear Carolyn:
Isn't it fun to find yourself fitting into those smaller sizes?

I find myself still automatically heading to the plus sizes too!! When I start looking I realize "hey nothing fits here!!!" I still don't see myself as "thin" Other people tell me I'm going to shrivel up, or blow away in the wind, and I'm still thinking "who are they talking to?" I guess our heads take awhile to catch up with our bodies!! Congrats on your latest achievement!!! Enjoy the moment, you worked for it!!! DeeAnn