12/6 ROLL CALL and goals (Ollie, Ollie In free - come out, come out wherever you are!
MY goals this week, month, season....get the hint...I REALLY want to see a GOOD support group get going here in Carroll IA. I think between Lynda and myself we can come up with some really good topics and have a very successful group. No need to feel like it is a competition, afterall, the MAIN focus is to HELP others who are now where we WERE!
My other goal, and this is a BIG one, is to get a humane society started for Carroll County. Also, put the ball in motion for a low-kill animal shelter in Glidden with holding sites in the surrounding communities. I need people willing to take on extra tasks, and various volunteer duties to get this going....PRAY hard for me...it is ALL for the animals...they have no voice, so SOMEONE has to be there for them!!!
I can be weighed on the dr scale now!! WOO HOO!! 333! which to a lot of people is A LOT...but to me it is HEAVEN! I started a lot higher than a lot of you...525, so we are looking at like 192 pounds lost! WOW! That is like 5 kindegarteners! I am SERIOUSLY looking into plastics now...my arms and tummy mostly. will see how that pans out....
Do any of you know if it is too late to be getting a stricture? the past 3 days I have been puking things back up...but have had a lot more sugar than usual, and also have been maybe waiting too long between eating...just not hungry...have to physically remind myself to eat!
Well, hope you all have a great week!!
Take care,
Wow - you have a lot of goals this week! Good luck on everything. You have done a wonderful job so far and sounds like you will continue to do well. About the stricture - it sounds like maybe you should try to eat at regularly scheduled times and see if that makes a difference. Also, be sure that you are eating small bites and chewing well. I know that it's easy to get away from that.
Keep up the good work and God bless,
Morning All!
Christmas presents are all bought, did shopping in Oct so I wouldn't have to fight the crowds!! Hardest to buy for is son's significant other, she doesn't collect anything & clothes are something she prefers to get herself. I made her a quillow as she didn't have one yet & the other kids all have one. I'm also making a fleece blanket you tie off for Katie's dad. I have never tried one of those so it's time I started. My poor sewing machine is about on it's last leg so my goal is to get a new one next year! One that does quilting stitches.
Weight loss....well I'm bouncing again from 188 to 190 so I have gotten under the 190 mark!
now if it would just stay that way! I weigh in the morning (after I pee) & again at night. This is everyday, I know alot of ppl don't do this, but I'm one that has to see my progress, my one obsession if you will.
So my goal this week is to keep under 190 mark! I'm 40 lbs from goal now & would really like to get those last pounds off. I'm also in touch with one of our gals about tummy tuck, I have read that when you are within 40 lbs of goal you can start getting the ball rolling. Nobody around here does panni's so will have to travel out of town for this. The biggest goal is to have the weight off & have panni done before dad returns from Florida which will be end of March or April. What a surprise that would be!!! He has been such a great support for me through my journey.
Everyone have a great week!
How about flavored herbal tea Debi instead of coffee? I'm loving every cup I drink, especially Orange Spice.

I am doing so-so. I am having migraines, severe ones. Still not sleeping, it's now been a month and a half. Waiting to hear about my insurance this week.
I did get some exciting news though, My car will be fixed over Christmas vacation.
Does anybody know what a Y membership usually costs? I want to join. But not sure how much it is. I guess I should call, duh!
Having problems eating again! But trying to at least get some protein in.
1) drink more water
2) try to eat a little bit more
3) call the Y.
I am having problems with Christmas shopping, since I'm having to ask Mom and Dad for money to shop. My Dad is hard to buy for, he just says whatever. That sure doesn't help me out.
No clothes for me until summer. Mom says. I keep shrinking.
Well, need to get some schoolwork done.
Take Care
Lisa Young
Hey, sorry that you are struggling with migraines. You should be eating well and that might help some of your health issues. Remember, we care about how you! I don't know anything about the Y, but hopefully, you can apply for a scholarship there, if that's what Jesi was talking about.
Good luck and God bless,
I didn't do so well last week! It is kinda depressing.....I have been at a stand still for a couple months now......I know the last 20lbs are the hardest, but I wi**** weren't! I know I need to step it up or I won't get there! Tomorrow is my one year anniversary.....My appt is on the 16th, and I wanted to weigh less for my appt!!! I have everything I need to succeed, yet I still struggle! I need a butt kicking!!! This week, my goals are to finish the self help book I am reading, eat good and drink good, and take all my supplements! And to get my house in order, just found out this morning my hubby will be gone from Monday thru Thursday next week! Normally I take off to my folks when he travels but since the twins are in school, I can't
I hope I don't go crazy here by myself!!!!! Other than that all is well!!!
It is hard to shop for my mom.......I know her inside and out but she is a pain in the ARSE to shop for, her and my hubby!!!!

Jesi, girl, here's the kick in the butt - now, you give one to me, please. We'll get each other through this! Keep up your good work and happy anniversary again. Hey, can you find someone to babysit the girls next week? Suport group is Wednesday.
How can your mom be hard to shop for when you are so close? You're silly!
Hugs to you,
She is crazy I tell ya, and super picky.....she will say I want this....then two days late she has already boughten it for herself.....Or like this year, she decides she wants a leather coat......But hates everything we look at, she is super picky!!! Jason is going to be in Baltimore mon-thurs.....so I don't think I can make it to support group!!! I will ask my neighbor and get back to you!!!