12/6 ROLL CALL and goals (Ollie, Ollie In free - come out, come out wherever you are!
Good day to all. Hope that all is well with everyone this holiday season. How did you do on your goals last week if you set them? I did not do wonderfully with the evening eating, but I did write down what I ate 3 or 4 nights and then really thought about my behaviors all week. I have decided that I have been giving into too many cravings and need to gain control back. I feel like I am just eating whenever I want and Lord knows, I CAN'T fall back into those bad habits again and still be successful. Last night I did great. I allowed myself only one snack and then s/f popsicles after that. I also told my hubby about what I was feeling. He was sooooooooo sweet. He asked me if I wanted his help. I said yes. Without telling me anything bad or that he's noticed my bad habits, he just told me that he thinks I need to do my protein drinks again - which I haven't been doing. He handled it soooooooo well and is sooooooooo supportive. (Gotta give that man some GOOD lovin!!
So, I got some hard work to do this week!!!
I did get to the gym 5 times, however, don't think that I lost that much weight. I weighed 190.5 one day when I went to the gym in the morning. In the afternoons when I weigh, I am usually between 193 and 194. Is this normal to weigh so much differently in the afternoon than in the morning? It depresses me!! So, here are the goals:
2) Get to the gym 5 times.
3) Face the diet police tomorrow, (at my 1 year check-up), with dignity and some humility because of my bad habits lately.
4) Drink at least one protein drink a day.
5) Give that man of mine some good time!
6) Print this list and keep it at school and at home.
Now, how did you do on your goals? For the off topic question, is there anyone that is going to be hard to buy for this Christmas? If so, who and why? I have a difficult time buying for the teenagers at family gatherings (we draw names for the kids). I also have a hard time buying for my MIL, but am giving her a framed family picture this year.
Hope you all have great weeks!
God bless,

Hey, girl, good to hear from you!!! So glad that everything worked out well. Remember, you can e-mail me and give me your phone number and I will support you however I can. Those head demons are hard to fight, especially now right before the holidays and with everyone else eating. Hang in there - you will make it.
What type of protein drinks are you using? Have you found something good? Also, I found that a flavored coffee is awesome. Hy-Vee and Wal-Mart carry some wonderful carmel truffle coffee that I think you can get in decaf. (I have one cup in the morning and sometimes one at night that does have caffeine.) Let me know about the protein drinks and maybe we can line you up with some samples. I use Elite and have chocolate now and a berry flavor. It is good. Jesi also uses Elite. Let us know how we can help.
Anyway, welcome to a wonderful journey. Remember that we are here for you.
God bless,
P.S. I like your hair with the blonde highlights!
hey woman you always have lots of goals. I am making easy goals. I have also started drinking protein drinks again....I actuallyfound some i like the roadside lemonaide. Goals this week are going to really easy.
1) go threw the day without killing my son for his behavior(which i will achieve)
2) make sure everyone goes to therapy (we have been doing really good havent missed any time for 3 months)
3) get all christmas cards out
4) make sure i write my boyfriend at least 2 times this week
5) get everything for the local support group meeting
6) and last one make me time!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hard person to buy for is my dad. why cuz he is the type of person that if he wants it he buys it himself. So what i usually do is make coupon cards for him so he can get cookies, brownies, monkey bread and stuff like that. i have been informed that i am hard to buy for cuz there is alot i cant eat and clothes they dont want to buy cuz i wont be in them long. cheezzeeee whizzzz buy me my protein powder, subscriptions to magazines.....see they just need to ask......
Have a great week everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Andrea,
well I did pretty good i'm down to 176 now been going to the gym 3 days a week had my youngest bday party saturday she turned 8 we decided were not moving to indiana were moving closer to the quad cities i just want out of clinton,lol well my goals this week are
eat less
for the question it is hard to buy for my 2 oldest they have everything,lol so this year they will probably get gift certifects have a good week
I went to the "police" today & it wasn't good. Officially I have lost only 6 lbs in the last 2 1/2 months! However, the PA said I was doing great & not to be concerned about the weight loss (or lack of it.)According to my scales, in the last couple weeks I have gained 5 lbs! She thinks it's probably water. I was taking BP meds but no longer need them & they were water pills. Now that I am off them she thinks I may have been somewhat dehydrated from the water pills & tha****er came back. That didn't make me feel much better, though. She did suggest that I keep a food diary to make sure I'm eating the right things & to help me not snack. She suggested I write it down before putting it in my mouth. That way I just might not eat it. She also suggested I write down exercise. In a few weeks if the weght hasn't started coming off again she said I should make an appointment with the dietician & let her see the diary.
I also asked about gaining a couple pounds in a day & she said you weigh the least in the morning because you get somewhat dehydrated during the night. The we drink water & it looks like we weigh more. We can fluctuate 3-4 lbs during the day easily so don't get concerned. Angela did say that she weighs herself first thing in the morning because she knows that will be the lowest. Thats the one she counts.
One good thing did happen. When she checked my tummy for hernias she exclaimed that she could feel my abs! Oh, and my blood work was perfect!
My grown sons are my hardest to buy for. This year I said to tell me or they would get gift certificates. Today I bought over $300 worth! Shopping done!
My goals are to lose weight! PERIOD
PS- Hmmm... maybe I'll add one more, number 5 on your list! Pretty good for a couple of old geezers!
Wow, girl, we sound like twins!! My diet police did say that I need to start recording what I eat again, too. Even though I am not on annual visits, she suggested that I see her in 3 months to help keep me on track. Here's another funny - when the surgeon felt my incision and said to tighten up, he exclaimed "oh, rock hard!" YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!! Someone has noticed my abs!! I have just lost 8.5 pounds in the past 2 1/2 months, but looking at pics from both appointments, my friends say that there is a marked difference. It HAS to be from the workouts. Your probably in the same boat.
Thanks for asking about the weighing in the morning and afternoon. I forgot to ask, but am glad to know that. I weighed in at 191.5 - my appoinment was right in the middle of the day - 11:30. I wish that I was below 190, but still am successful according to my surgeon. He said that I have met HIS goal and that any weight that I lose from here on out is a bonus. He also did my BMI, lean muscle and fat weight. That showed that I have gained a lot of lean muscle over the past couple of months. Yippie!! My BMI was 31.9. Have to check the charts and see what category that puts me in.
I'll catch on to your goal to lose weight - period!! That's the ultimate gosl. Now, a friend suggested that for my "anniversary" of this surgery, that I go buy something sexy and show my man how much I appreciate his support over the past year. Go shopping for yourself before your anniversary tomorrow!
Happy 1 year and good luck on everything,
God bless,
That must have been one long gestation, if we're twins! But it is funny the similarities we seem to have. Must be the 12/8-12/9 syndrome. Perhaps Jesi has it too.
Now about the sexy items. Unfortunately I did look at some of that stuff while shopping on Monday & just laughed thinking of my thighs hanging out below. I even wondered what a thong would feel like...hmmmmmm?
Too chicken to find out but after a tummy tuck, who knows. We'll see next fall or so.