I'm Home!!!
Hello everyone!!! I DID IT!!! I made it to the losing side!!! I am 6 days post op and doing grand!!! Not gonna kid anyone the liquid thing is getting old. But get to start strained creamed soups tomorrow!!! So far I have tolerated everything well. Have had no nausea or vomiting!!
Thanks for all the well wishes!!
P.S. I finally have a picture!!! It is from a couple of years ago and I actually had lost about 20 pounds before surgery and I now have my hair frosted! But you can put a face with the name now. My husband hates the picture of him, I told him I wasn't looking for a good pic of him LOL I had a hard enough time finding a decent one of myself.
Welcome to this side of a wonderful journey!!! Jesi tried to call the hospital to check on you the other day and they said you weren't there. I called Terri Pool at the center and found out that you were out already. Must be nice to have lap done - I had to have the full incision. Anyway, have to get back to work. E-mail me with your phone number if you want and I'll try to keep in touch and be a support for you.
Welcome again and God bless,
THANK YOU!! I replied to Jessie's post about where was I LOL I didn't mean to worry anybody. I didn't get on line for a few days, my computer is in the basement family area, so I just didn't try it. But my daughter had told me she posted so I thought that would be OK. So that is why I also did this post. It was great to be able to have the surgery Lap!!! I think that is why it took me so long to get here, I was waiting for Dr. Christopherson, and I didn't even know it.
Thanks again...hope to chat with you soon
Congrats! Liquids do get boring but I liked liquids A LOT better than pureed....YUCK!!! Everyday gets a little easier, but it sounds to me you are doing awesome already!!! Take Care of yourself and keep us updated......By the way, you totally don't look like your pic.....I like the blonde!!! I am way dark right now too, and I DONT like it, I need a foil soon! Congrats again~

Hello Jesi!!!
Seems like a long time since we've made contact lol Andrea told me that you both use Elite. Where do you get it??? I'll run right out, I checked HyVee, Walmart, Walgreens, and my parents went to GNC today and bought me a brand called MYOPLEX LITE, but I'm afraid to use it, as it has 190 calories, and I forgot to tell Andrea that it also had to be mixed with 10 to 12 oz of water or skim milk...I'm sorry but I would much rather force down 6 to 8 oz. of something nasty than 10 to 12!!!!!! I have already learned that is alot to expect from a little pouch.
LOL it doesn't look at all like me?!?!? Is that good or bad LOL
Heres to lighter days ahead...
P.S. Is it normal to be feeling so melancholy right now??? Because YES I have been. I cry at happy things, sad things...just not like me. LOL just wondered.

I just like your hair lighter.....we are kinda the same skin tone and I am partial to the more blonde look!!!! I wasn't so melancholy, but I hear it is very normal!!! I would say try the stuff from GNC......if you don't like it they have a 30 day return policy......I don't like any of the drinks from walmart or hyvee or whatnot......I order mine online actually! The brand Andrea and I drink is great......my two faves are choclate mint and cafe mocha!!! I would love to send you a few samples to try! That way you aren't buying a whole big tub of something you don't like!!! Also the carb countdown (hood) Chocolate milk has 12 grams of protein for 8 ounces and it tastes pretty good....You can get that at super walmart! Just for comparison the Elite has 22 grams of protein with only 112 calories! Take Care and let me know if you want me to send you some Elite!!!

Hi Andrea & Jesi
LOL I'm going to save time and send this to both of you!!
I had my 2wk check up today...a week early lol they are not sure why. Any way I saw Dr. Christopherson (love that Man) and Teresa (love her too LOL) annnnnd I saw Denise...I took the stuff that I had purchased form GNC in with me and had her look at it...she told me NOT to use it lol. It was designed for althletes. The people at GNC were very nice, I thought my mom had given me the reciept and she must have stuck it back in her purse, anyway I walk in there thinking maybe they will recognize it as thier product and give me money back on an exchange, low and behold the guy is on the phone with my mom and she is giving him all the numbers off of her reciept (What a mom)!!!! Not a problem I bought a sample bag of FRENCH VANILLA Whey Protein, I had it for supper tonight chased with Swiss mocha decafinated coffee. Andrea: I looked for the caramel truffle coffee at walmart in decaf and all I could find that flavor in was thier regular milestone brand. So if you could let me know what brand it is you buy that is decaf. Also...I think I heard you out in the hall when I was in seeing Dr. Christopherson. I swear it was your voice. I had a 12:30 with Dr. and a 2:30 with Denise.
If you girls could bring me samples to the meeting, So I can try them...I think I have enough to get me by for now. I also ordered some sample off of VITALADY. I would go ahead and order some but I would really rather try them first. This one that I bought at GNC, was not bad was not good lol, but the texture of it went down easier than any kind I've had so far. Sorry this getting so long.
On a happy note, I have lost 5 pounds in 8 days, so that is not too shabby. When they weighed me the morning of surgery I was still down 18 pounds of my 23 that I had original lost waiting for the surgery!!! Can't forget any of it lol
Well Thank you soooo much for all of your support!!
(((HUGS))) to both of you