Hard to believe
Morning all
It's hard to believe that a year ago I was sitting here waiting for approval, getting denied, getting approved then getting hit with a heart attack! And back to the waiting game of having surgery. Have come a long way in a years time! At the time it seemed like WLS would never become a reality, I was scared to death I would have another heart attack & would never have surgery. Well I DID IT!
So for those who've been put on hold waiting for approval or being denied, it is well worth the wait. We've been told that some things happen for a reason & at the time we can't always understand the reason. For me I can say I understand now although I was sooooo disappointed in being denied. Had I had the surgery right away when I was approved chances are I would have never made it through surgery that I may have possibly had the heart attack during surgery. Keep fighting, don't give up if you have been denied, but also keep in mind there must be a reason why you aren't to have surgery now. I know easier said than done!!! I invite you to read my profile & you can see the hell I went through waiting for surgery. Not feeling sorry for myself by any means! It was well worth the wait
Everyone have a great weekend!

Morning Laurie,
Ty ty ty ty

Doing just great thanks for asking. How about you? I love looking at all the Christmas decorations. Finished up shopping yesterday, just had to get my granddaughter a couple of things. She needed dress shoes for her program so I got those for her & some tights. Always have to make sure I have equal presents for the kids you know! Katie's program is Tuesday night & Courtney's is the 21st. Katie is involved with band, jazz band, jazz chorus & chorus this year. Every Wed morning she has to be at school for jazz chorus practice at 7 a.m. They do such a good job with the kids am anxious to hear them. They are also going to perform with the high school kids for Jazz Festival! I was re-elected for President of Band Boosters so staying busy with that also. You take care
When are you moving?

Hello Carolyn,
good morning I love the christmas decorations its my favorite time of the year I do hope we have snow for it this year. are kids programs are the 21st but we might be going to Indiana the 21st for Christmas not sure yet we are moving over the summer when the kids get out were staying in Iowa though just getting out of Clinton it will probably be down closer to the quadcities im looking forward to it. were going to try and buy a house today were going on a christmas walk in Laclare iowa so that will be fun we just got done celeabrating emilys bday shes 8 well take care have a good weekend.