Thanks ALL...
I'm HOME!!! I want to thank everyone for thinking and praying for me!!! Thank you Carolyn and Lori for posting, Carolyn you look WONDERFUL gf, was nice seeing you just wish we could have been having lunch somewhere else lol! Well your next Lori...but will be a good surgery right!
Got home this am and feeling much better! I still have drain tube in so is a lil uncomfortable. So now I have another 2 or 3 wks off....should be able to get xmas cards done and college visits with my son! OH and get new member of our family (puppy) on Sunday so will have lots of bonding time with him!!!
Hope everyone else is doing good,
Janet S
Hey GF
Am soooooo glad you are home
If you land long enough maybe we can get together while you are off work!!! Ty ty ty! Looking for smaller sizes
Can't wait to meet your new family member. Yes, lunch somewhere else will be great, hospital food isn't always appealing...
Talk to you later.
Take care of yourself,
Love ya

Thanks Laurie...Iam doing better will be glad when I get this drain tube out tomorrow hopefully! Are you ready for the holidays? I think I have most of my shopping done! We picked up our lil pup last night...we are still trying to decide on a name lol. But I think he may be just what the Dr. ordered!!!
Take care,
Janet S
So glad that you're finally home. Did they have to do another surgery? I had a friend that had the same or similar thing happen last year and they ended up going in with a needle to remove some of the infection. Hope that you continue to heal quickly and enjoy the rest and the new puppy@!!
Hugs and blessings,
Hiya GF!!! Yes I had emergency surgery Tues. night @ 10 pm...I was in such pain and they had no clue as to what was going on so they took me in for a scope, they found bile leaking from where they removed my GB so they cleaned that all up, also they found a puss pocket on my liver and a cyst on my ovary and he repaired both of them. All I know is when I awoke from surgery I felt 100% better than I did before the surgery! I now have a JP tube for drainage and hope to get that taken out tomorrow! Im tellin ya gf this really wiped me out...all I want to do is sleep this better be it for a long time to come!!!
Am enjoying our new pup, just like a baby he had me up 2xs last night lol.
Janet S