Des Moines Support group?
Hey Angela I am from Des Moines also and have been trying to find one here also. I haven't had surgery yet but am hoping to in 2005 so hopefully someone knows of one. I asked one time and was given a person to email and have never received anything back. I would like to think with this big city there would be one somewhere that anyone could go to no matter where their surgery is going to be or was done. How are you feeling? Hope all is good and best wishes on your new long and healthy life.
At one time there was a group that met in Des Moines. However, due to lack of interest the group stopped meeting. Sorry
Anyone could start one. Our group met and anyone from any program was invited to join and share what they were dealing with. I apologize for not emailing you or getting back to you regarding the group. Things have been a bit crazy lately. I hope that someone will be willing to start another group in the area and that there will be much more interest a second time around.

I am close to getting everything submitted by Mercy Capitol for the surgery. They do have a support group that meets monthly. I believe one is scheduled for December, but can't remember the date off hand. It is on a Tuesday. If you contact The Centers for Weight Loss at Mercy Capitol, I am sure they will give you the information.
I am currently involved with the Mercy Capital program. It is the best program around. They have a great staff. They make you feel comfortable. I can find out for sure if it is for everyone. I would be glad to talk if you want. I am going thru all the tests right now. I have my physc appt on Thurs and my sleep study on the 10th. I am hoping by this time next year to be close to my goal weight.
Thanks Deb B.