irritated with the process
I am annoyed at the insruance approval process. And the way these doctors can't get their acts together. Or maybe I am unjustly impatient, I don't know which.
I saw the shrink for my second (and final) visit THREE WEEKS ago and still the Mercy Center for Weight Reduction has gotten nothing from him clearing me for surgery. Even though he said he'd send it in "right away".
I saw the pulmonologist at the sleep center TWO WEEKS ago and they still have not gotten anything from them with my diagnosis of sleep apnea. Even though she said she'd report to them about it "right away".
I need these two things before they will send in for insurance approval and I am simply annoyed.
I called the shrink's office today and they said they'd call me back. I haven't called the sleep center yet, but I am tempted to. My four weeks of being on cpap will be up on Dec. 8 and technically I could be cleared for surgery then....if only they had submitted the pre-authorization, if only they had gotten the original sleep apnea diagnosis in a timely fashion. UGH UGH UGH!!!!!
WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH THESE DOCTORS????? Both told me they'd fax them the info "right away". Three weeks is NOT right away.
I am trying to get this surgery done before the end of this calendar year so that I won't owe ANOTHER medical deductible starting jan. 1. I just do not think that is unreasonable to try to do that. We are buried in medical bills right now (not just mine, but a daughter's as well). The thought of another unecessary medical deductible makes me INSANE.
Thank you for letting me vent.
WOW sounds like you are on a mission!!!! It is a process and for a lot of folks a very long process.....I hope you get to have your surgery before the end of the year to help with the deductibles, but just try and be matter when it happens it will all be well worth it!!!!! I would call both places and ask if you can pick up the reports to deliver them yourslef, or ask when they will be faxed.......Thank them a lot for working with you, but stress the whole timeline thing......They are always pretty busy people, but are willing to work with you!!!! Hang in there! Wsihing you the best, keep us updated

Hi Jean -
I am in the waiting game with you. I fortunately have not been told I need the cpap and did the sleep study on Nov. 22. I had the psych appt. on Nov. 17. All my appointments have been done and I would also like to avoid another out of pocket to the insurance company.
Who knows! Maybe we will be in at the same time for the surgery!