Hi Randy,
Sorry can't help on that one! See we are surgery bud's, mine was the 20th. Getting ready for PS already? Wow
Think the best thing to do is look at your policy or call them & ask. Make sure you are documenting any rashes etc, they say pictures help also. AND a letter from your PC as well as your surgeon recommending PS. Never hurts to add a letter from yourself either. Good Luck!

Hello Randy......Welcome......I am in your town like every other weekend almost! Your best bet would to be to call some plastic surgeons and ask them, they will know best! Just ask to talk to someone who deals with billing/insurance for some coverage questions~My hubby works for Deere but we have Medical Associates instead of Deere....I picked the plastic surgeon I would want to use and called them with my loaded questions....they said they do a lot with John Deere and get approvals pretty easyily, but they didn't do well with Medical Associates.....See I was deciding if I should keep Medical Associates or switch during open enrollment time.......Well my mind was made up for me, JohnDeere dropped medical associates, so now I will have JDC after Dec 31st! Wishing us both luck

I got your email and I have tryed to email you twice.....Both times it was returned with errors???? I grew up in Charles City......that is why I am always in Waterloo......close to my hyometown and much better shopping than Dubuque! The plastic surgeon I talked to hear in Dubuque is Erin Kennedy......She is by Finely....I have heard great things about her and she has worked on a lot of folks who have had WLS! Her insurance/billing person is very knowledgable too! I have her number if you want it, but I don't think I am allowed to post it on here! Let me know and Keep in touch!