does anybody have any information on this.
I keep getting tested every month, I have upped my calcium to 1000 mgs a day (taken in 500mg doses twice a day) plus now have prescription to take vitamin D 50,000 IU per day. and still not doing the trick! lol
after doing some research on webMD found this...
Hyperparathyroidism is caused by a malfunction of the parathyroid glands in the neck, which regulate calcium in the blood. The disease most often strikes women, particularly older women. It can cause fatigue, disorientation, and depression, and can also lead to bone loss, kidney stones, and even coma.
so.. I am worried! I am so tired a lot of the time.. and this might be part of the problem. I think I am going to ask the doc if i can up my antidepressent too, I know she will be cool with that, but still... geez, no wonder!
any info is appreciated, or even a good luck on my finals in the next 2 weeks would be well appreciated here. sorry, not trying to sound like a baby, but its getting tough, have never taken 17 credits before! and dealing with the holidays and emotions that go with that (feeling guilty, cant buy son much, or never enough to buy what he wants ya know) anyhow... just the way it is, and trying to work part time, on the night shift, geez, no wonder I am tired a lot!
well, thanks for listening, back to studying. I skipped most classes today, was sleeping, (worked this weekend, so still exhausted from working 3rd shift all weekend) and now I HAVE to go to night class and do well! I HAVE TO!
Morning Judi,
Not sure if this will hel*****t, it's in the support training manual where they talk about this. Go to this site (http
It also suggests the doc take a look at your vitamin D, phosphorus & magnesium levels. Hope this helps! Good Luck

Wow, Judi,
Once again, you have a lot on your plate to deal with. Wouldn't it be nice to find out that it is something physical causing the fatigue and not just because you are worn out from all that you do? I bet that your school/work/son, etc. also plays a big role in your exhaustion. Good luck, hope that you can determine what's going on. Let us know what your doc says.
How are the other issues? Are things staying regular for you with no probs any more?
Hope all is well,
God bless,
Sorry to hear things are going so rough for you right now. It's interesting and I would like to know what your doc has to say about hyperparathyroidism. I already have cysts on my thyroid which the doc is watching right now, but had the kidney stone last month and went for a follow up with the doc an now have to have metabolic testing done to see if there is some defficiency, which sounds like what you are going through. Amazing what things seem to pop up after having this surgery, maybe original problem to begin with and made so my metabolism was shot and that was why I couldn't lose weight before WLS. My thoughts and prayers for you to have a peaceful holiday season. I understand about feeling guilty about not being able to get kids all they want, but then I see the real reason for the season is to give and that is the gift I am giving to them, showing them how much more important it is to help those out who have little to nothing before thinking of ourselves. God Bless and Happy Holidays.