Since many of us like coffee & since we seem to drink more when it's cold outside, I thought you might want to know that many doctors/scientists do not believe it is bad for us & the diuretic properties are over exagerated. See the below article from Dr Dean Edell
Coffee Lovers: Don't Worry About Dehydration
Lots of us love our java, but can drinking too much coffee dehydrate you? Recent media reports issued a warning about it. So scientists decided to see whether the warning could hold water.
"It was one of the most amazing and disturbing finishes in Olympic history. A Swiss runner in the final lap of the 1984 marathon, almost comatose from dehydration, weaving down the track at the Los Angeles coliseum and finally collapsing into the arms of her trainers.
"That was an extreme example of dehydration. Most athletes, indeed most non-athletes, never get close to that life-threatening situation, especially nowadays when everybody's carrying these water bottles - they have become such a fad. But recently, there was a big story about we're all dehydrated because our coffee intake. Well, it turns out there was little scientific grounds, so to speak, to support that story.
"It has to do with the fact that coffee and other caffeine drinks are diuretics, leaching the body of water. According to the scare story: 'for every cup of coffee you drink you lose two cups of water.'
"But that's simply not true. The actual amount is about half a cup of water lost for every cup of coffee. But wait, if you drink a cup of water you'll lose about a third of that amount too. So, coffee doesn't change that equation very much.
"And better news for regular coffee drinkers. One scientist suggests that we adapt to our habits, meaning, in this case, that caffeine addicts suffer less from coffee-related dehydration than the occasional drinkers of the beverage. So, enjoy your java."
Drinking too much coffee can have other health effects, fortunately, most of them very rare. "
And this part of an article- you can find the whole article at
" Both serious athletes and weekend athletes consume a number of beverages that, when taken in large volume, have a diuretic effect. It is interesting to note that researchers have shown that fluid-electrolyte replacement beverages have diuretic activity, and that even water is a diuretic. At less than 300 mg a day, the diuretic activity of caffeine is similar to that of water.
Dr. Armstrong noted that, "...virtually no evidence exists in the scientific literature that caffeine exaggerates dehydration and electrolyte loss to the point that it impairs exercise performance." He told the science writers that neither athletes nor recreational enthusiasts will incur detrimental fluid-electrolyte imbalances if they drink caffeinated beverages in moderation and eat a well-balanced diet."
I imagine that my surgeon still believes that caffiene is bad & pushes the 1.5 cups of water for every cup drank. Maybe I'll mention it to him next week & then again maybe not. Maybe I'll just get used to decaf. I'm a chicken. (But I still drink COFFEE!!!!!)
I drink the fully leaded stuff
But I asked for permission first.....if we are caffiene drinkers, it truly doesn't dehydrate us! If I do not drink reguar coffee I do not go poop, plain and simple!!!!! I think it is more important to have normal BM'!!!!! I do limit myself to two cups in the AM (usually.......I just finished a cup of white russian(flavored beans) coffee with cream and splenda...yummy) And as long as you are getting in all of your water or more, you should be fine!!!! Just ask your surgeon......I even have an ulcer from the bypass and drink my coffee....if my ulcer is acting up, yeah the coffee is bad, but as long as it is controlled with the medicines, my doctor thinks it is fine to continue my habit!!! I love my coffee, decaf just couldn't cut it for me!!!! I tryed tho! Another thing I LOVE TO DO......Since it is cold and I could drink coffee all day (but don't) I make myself sugar free cocoa....or my fave protein drinks into a cocoa and add a dallop of whip cream.....I have a chocolate mint one and a cafe mocha one......22 grams of protein for only 112 calories and an excellent warm yummy drink
Take Care

Yippee!!!!!!!!!!! I read this yesterday afternoon, but didn't have time to respond. I went home and had 2 cups of coffee in the evening. Helped me with not snacking......UNTIL.............. about 9:00 when the demon**** again. Will have to try the coffee again tonight. I'm like Jesi - the one cup that I have in the morning seems to help keep me regular. I guess that I am going to just have to drink more in the evening to keep the food demons away!
Thanks for the info - like I said - I'm happy to be corrected any time. I usually get well over 100 oz of fluids, (water and sometimes s/f tang of Crystal light) daily, so can justify the coffee, I think.
Thanks again and God bless,
Oh, Andrea, I wasn't correcting you, just pointing out that for us coffee lovers, our surgeons may have outdated or wrong information. I guess there are at least 2 sides to every story. In this case, I want to believe that coffeee is good. I am sitting here with my second 20 oz cup for the day. Helps me make that midnight half hour drive home without dosing off. By the way, I did the pinch test on the back of my hand & I am definately not dehydrated!