11/29 Roll Call and Goals
Good morning everyone. So sorry that I did not have time to respond to everyone's goals last week. I did try to respond to some of the other posts, though.
How did you do over the holiday with your goals? I did okay eating on Thanksgiving, but being home that long just killed me with the evening snacking. I have been trying to eat sunflower seeds (have to shell them first) that my buddy Jesi gave me and s/f Bomb pops to help. Also trying to get in the fluids in the evenings cuz then I can't snack, but I always seem to find a way around it. I still am scared that I have not learned self-control. When I want a snack, I often eat one, even if I don't need to. It is driving me crazy - and makes me think that I will screw this up. (Sooooooooo sorry to unload on you all - I know that you will help to hold me accountable!)
I discovered some good s/f candy bars called CarbWatchers (got them at Wal-Mart) that have a tasty chocolate. They are little and usually just a square or two satisfies my sweet tooth. However, Tuesday, on the way home from school, I ate about 5 pieces (a whole bar) and got to the gym and dumped. Why oh why do I dump on s/f stuff???? You'd think that I'd learn my lesson, but no, I bought them again the other night. Don't worry, I know that one or two pieces is all that my body will tolerate!
Goals for this week:
1) Control the evening eating!!
2) Write down my evening eating!!
3) Get to the gym 5 times.
4) Lose another 2 pounds. (My 1 year check up is next week and I want to be below 190 - sitting at 190.5 right now.)
5) Give hubby some much deserved time.
6) Print this list and keep at school and at home.
Wow - that sure is enough goals! What are your goals for the week?
Question for the week - do you have Christmas decorations up already? If not, when do you usually decorate? We don't have anything up yet, but am already getting into the mood of the holidays, so plan to get tree out this week, hopefully.
May God bless you each with love, peace and health this week,
Hello Andrea,
I had a good Thanksgiving except being sick with a cold I did pretty good didnt stuff myself I stayed out of the stores friday morning went in the afternoon which was better. going to a christmas walk on Thursday they have here every year. that will be cold,lol i'm tired of being cold I told my hubby i need thermal uderwear and shirts,lol well my goals are
less snacking
thats all for this week, we have are decorations up already did it a week early before Thanksgiving I love Christmas its my favorite holiday.
take care have a good week
Wow - sounds like you did do good over the holiday. I understand how it feels to be cold. Hope that you get some long johns to keep you warm before Thursday! I'm wearing my hubbies big winter coat from work because I can't find one my size that I like. I know that you will do well on your goals. Now, want to come decorate my house?
God bless,
Wow you do have lots of goals this week.... Thanksgiving went ok but the food didnt turn out that good think we over cooked everything and the to top it off i forgot part of the food. go figure....
my goals this week are
1) do my school work (since i start my online classes last week)
2) no more snacking
3) walking every day
4) do all the training this week for the chapter leader program
5) make sure i get to therapy, and kids make it to their therapy also
Ok on the decorations i have had mine up for over 2 weeks and last week i put all my moms decorations at her store and this week i will be doing the decorations at my dad's store. I have also been told that i will be doing my mom's house. Since my mom has been really tired this yr she really isnt in the mood to put it all so i am going to help her.
Hi Lynda!
So sorry to hear that your Thanksgiving food was not as good as you wanted it to be. Sure hope that you enjoyed the holiday with friends and family anyway.
Boy, talk about me having a lot of goals - you have a lot as well. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate - be sure to hit that therapy to help you handle it! (I need to get to my psychologist as well. Forgot an appointment with her a week and a half ago because I had a date with hubby and was soooooooooo excited. OOPS
Have fun doing all of that decorating - like I asked Laurie - wanna do mine as well??? LOL
Have a great week and God bless,

Andrea and eveyone:
Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!! I did pretty good with my eating, but slacked off a little on my exercise, and supplements!! My goals this week are:
1.) drink more water
2.) Exercise every day Mon.-Fri.
3.) Limit pm snacking
4.) less lurking, more posting
I did get my outside lights up yesterday, and will get the tree out this week some time. Have a good week!! DeeAnn
So glad to hear that you did pretty well with your eating over a holiday where we focus on food. I think that it is easier for me to eat well in front of people, but when alone, I graze. Now, get back to those supplements, exercise and water!! If you figure out how to cut the pm snacking out, let me know because Lord knows I struggle with it!!!
Now, about the decorations, if you, Laurie and Lynda come and help, my house can be done quickly..LOLLOLLOL
Have a blessed week,
God bless,
I am back to basics, been really bad about the water lately and I don't usually have too much of a problem with the protein, but I need to keep better track of it. Exercise.....already been out and played in the snow with the furbabies.
I have my tree up and a set of red rope lights around the molding on the ceiling of the dining room. ( I would NOT let Jeff put them in the bedroom!
The card exchange is going great so far. There is over a dozen people on the list in less than 24 hours!
Take care!

Glad you're back. Anytime that you want to take over these roll calls and goals, let me know. I think goals were your great idea and I am just following your lead.
Now, keep up on that protein, water and keep playing with those furbabies in the snow/rain/whatever comes your way............
Hey, just think, Jeff could have wanted to put those red rope lights around YOU! Go ahead and let him put them in the bedroom - think of the alternative...
Now, I signed up for the card exchange, but how many usually participate? You all are going to give me a good workout with the cards, aren't you???
Have a great week and God bless,

HI all. Thanksgiving went just fine. My kids were all home yesterday & we had a nice pork loin instead of turkey. Still had sweet potatoes & my son Ben found a bonus gift in his- a nasty dried up maggoty type of bug, probably from the pecans. Yech
He was nice & polite though and pretended it was a piece of shell. We looked through the rest of the sweet potatoes & the bag of nuts & found no more so hopefully none of us ate any. Dang- they were good sweet potatoes too.
I have been doing pretty good with keeping away from snacking. Drank lots of coffee instead. The scales aren't showing it but I hope they soon will. Like Andrea, I go for my 1 yr appointment next week & I want to be down to 190, at least. I have 2 lbs to go. If I behave myself I'll make it.
Oh, last week, I think, I mentioned one of my goals was to fix my very sick computer. Just call me Dr Dixie- I fixed it!
My goals for this week are as usual- no snacking, drink more water, be more aware of when I am getting full instead of taking one more bite, & get my sisiter & brother's Christmas gifts done. I am making digital scrapbooks & printing them out. I may post the layouts when I get done & will send you all the link to them, if you want to see. This is my adiction! I have replaced food with scrapping & the computer.
I put our decorations up on Thanksgiving. I don't have any outlets outside that work so don't decorate outside. Someday, maybe.