Christmas Card Exchange 2004
Does anyone want to do the Christmas Card exchange again this year? I had a lot of fun with it last year.
If you do want to, send your Name and Address to me and I will keep a running list for a couple of weeks, then send everyone on the list a "master list".
Let me know if you don't think it is a good idea also!
[email protected]
this was a wonderful idea! definitely up for it again. I tell you I really looked forward to those last year, and it was so nice to get so many cards, that I never would have gotten if it hadnt been for this list. It made me feel very well loved
Off to send you an email!
[email protected]

Hi Vanessa!
First off, Welcome to the Iowa Boards!
The Christmas card exchange goes like this....
Who ever wants to participate, sends their mailing address to me (to my email address listed, DO NOT post it here on the board! It isn't safe with all the weirdo's around! LOL) Then, in a couple of weeks, I will send a "master list" of all the names I have collected to everyone, via the email address they sent to me. You just go down the list and send everyone on the list a Christmas card. I will send updates also for any late additions as soon as I get them.
It worked great last year and I think we had something like 15- 20 people. It really does help to get you in the Christmas spirit.
Let us know if you want to join, and for all the lurkers out there, you don't have to post here first, just send me your address.
Hope you join us!

Okay, Elizabeth, count me in! I don't even have time to send cards to family anymore, but am going to do this. Without the support of everyone here, I would have gone nuts the past year LOL. You all are like family to me, so I will willingly send out cards.
Sending you my addie now.
God bless,