Just a quick HELLO
Just popping in real quick to say HI to everyone. Lester and I have been busy lately.
Our home of 14 years is up for sale and we will be moving to a new residence next Saturday. Several reasons for the move, the house is too big since the kids have all left and we just can't afford it anymore with the way the economy is. We have found a very nice used mobile home in Mt. Vernon that we are purchasing. Our youngest son will be getting one down the street from us too.
Last Friday we got us a little female rat terrier puppy. She is full blooded but no papers. Went to Traer to get her. A real cutey if you ask me. A little spoiled already. Her name is Sara. The cats are getting somewhat used to her.
Hope everyone had a good T-day. Ours was good.
Take care.
Carol & Lester
Okay, so we know that you are moving - and good luck with that (*I hate moving with a passion!), but tell us more? How is the weight loss going? Are you still doing good? Is Lester still maintaining? Are you both still riding bikes? Come on, we want to know more - life must be good to keep you away for so long!
God bless,

Hiya Carol and Lester....Sounds like you have been very busy! I love moving, I know Im crazy, but its like a fresh start seems like that is the only time I can get away with throwing things away lol!
How exciting to have a new puppy! We will be getting our lil dashound in a couple of wks. I can't wait!!!
Happy moving...take care,
Janet S
Thanks for the replies everyone. Sorry I left out some of the details.
No, we have not been riding the bikes - been busy, too chilly (Lester feels the cold now - never used to bother him) and way too dark too early. Going to start using the stationary bike once the move is over.
Weight loss; I am maintaining for the last 3 months - more the loss of daily exercise and the second wls makes it more difficult but at least I can maintain! Lester is holding pretty steady - did have a gain of about 5 pounds. Dr. Keating said he would gain a little bit back.
And yes, I do not like to move, especially after living in the house for 14 years. Having to make some hard choices when it comes to what we will have room for. Have been packing but seems like an endless task.
Really enjoy the puppy and are discussing about getting a male for companionship and possible breeding when old enough. And then maybe Sara will sleep in her bed if she has company instead of with us (my fault!! She wouldn't go back to sleep right away after going out to piddle in the middle of the nite and I would lay down with her till she fell asleep and I finally fell asleep instead and found her in bed with us.)
Waiting for a phone call from our son that is in the Marines. He called last week and left a message since we weren't home. He is in sunny Calif rite now for desert training. Is being deployed in Feb to Iraq - at least that is the way it was the last time we talked to him.
Again thanks for the replies. Take care.
Carol & Lester