Have you ever wanted to knock your doc up long side the head? That's where I'm at!!!! I couldn't believe how I was brushed off yesterday! He wanted to go over my labs which hey that's great. My sugars were up a little so I'm back on Actos, I can deal with that, this was 3 month average. I'm not in total agreement with him however! Imagine that I want to
about anything! He said chances are I'll be insulin dependent somewhere along the line! Possibly dialysis in the future! AND he was to busy to sit & talk about some questions I had. This is the second time he has done this, well NO MORE! We have another clinic 20 miles away where my PA is at & will go & see him. And he may have the same opinion, BUT at least he doesn't herd you through the office. And no, the office wasn't busy, there was only 1 other person waiting & none in the waiting room when I left. He spent MAYBE 5 minutes with me & he is allotted 15!!!!
Not only that he was to write me 3 scripts & only did 1 so the pharmacy had to call for the other ones. I asked him if I had been tested for Ferritin, this is for iron deficiency, & his question to me was: Were you iron deficient BEFORE surgery??? I had never had any problems with him before, but lately there has been alot of complaints & I can see why! And if I wanted this blood work done I should have the surgeon do it!! Needless to say this was my last trip to him, thankfully we have a PA! He always takes time to answer questions & if he doesn't have the answer he will find it out for you AND will call you back or you will know before you leave the office.
Thanks for letting me vent!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving all

Morning Melinda,
The nurses at the clinic have always been great
My dad & I were talking this over last night also & dad has been put out with him also. A couple of years ago dad had a bad infection (I should have recognized, diabetics) & the dr gave him clean bill of health. Dad went to Florida & felt lousy, called says I'm coming home tomorrow. When I didn't hear from him that night I called my Sis in law, no answer. She called me back later, dad was in ICU! The doc there had said if he had started for home he would have been dead within about 6 hours!!!! So the ones we are suppose to put our trust into don't always deserve the trust! Dad did pull thru & believe me you could see the smoke while he chewed on the doc! I won't stand for this kind of treatment, so it's worth the 20 mile drive to see our PC whom I dearly love. Hope you had a great day yesterday.

OHHH Carolyn, I'm so sorry to hear about this treatment!!! On the other hand, thank you for posting. I've been just about convinced I'm crazy,
the way I've been treated by the docs. It really does help to hear I'm not the only one. Another friend of mine went to see her ortho doc last week. He has a whole building named after him here in CB and he walked into the room smoking a ciggy!!! She said this is the 2nd time he has done that. I talked to another friend that works in housekeeping at one of the hospitals here and he says Yep he walks the halls of the hospital smoking!! So thanks again for posting, it makes me feel better knowing it not something personal with me!! I sure understand what you're talking about!!!!!
Happy Turkey Day
I hear you on that. Sometimes i have the feeling that i am a burdan to them. they are in a hurry all the time. I got a letter from my surgeon telling me that i was suppose to get my blood level checked every three months. Well this is the first time i heard that. I have gotten my blood checked once since dec.
I have heard of a lot of people having low iron after their surgery. I was talking to this one woman and she had such low iron they are going in to reverse you surgery and she is 3 yrs out. now that is scary. i think i would freak out if i was told that. lynda