List of NSAIDS
Long time no see!!! Where have you been hiding? Glad to see you again.
Again, I think it's up to the dr what meds we are on BUT I also think they better be knowledgeable as far as WLS goes. If they aren't the doc's could do us more harm than good. You are in a heck of a fix aren't you with those doc's?! Gentle hugs your way. What was on the list I got from the training manual & listed all that was on there.
What reason is the GI giving you for not wanting you on prednizone? Does he have any other suggestions? How much do either of these doc's know about WLS?
sometimes WE have to educate THEM!!!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving & don't be such a stranger!

Hi, I've been lurking, but just really don't feel well at all, am down to only 6-7 different foods I can eat. I don't know how much either one of these docs know about gastric bypass, but I'm been having a really hard time finding ANY doc to treat me since the surgeon told me to go away.
BUT-- I have hope I got a appointment with Dr. Gary Antone in Omaha, next week, I'm amazed!! The Gi is convinced the prednisone is the reason my pouch won't heal, but the arthritis doc says while the prednisone is probable not the greatest idea it is NOT the cause of the ulcer. I've had gastritis, Barrett's esophagus, Gerd, etc really bad since 99, I've also taken other Nsaids, but the prednisone wasn't causing pain like the other ones have in the past. The Gi doc just kept telling me -GET OFF the prednisone he told me I had to make a choice between treating my stomach or my arthritis, RIGHT. The arthritis doc just tells me I really need the prednisone to get the inflammation down and try to
keep further joint damage down. There are other meds, but I can't afford them. My PCP won't make a commitment either way. I know what you're talking about with the aspirin too, I've had 2 heart attacks and a heart bypass, the cardio tells me to talke aspirin or Plavix I can't do either one of those either because of the bleeding in my pouch! I can't seem to get any of these docs to treat me as a whole, they just deal with whatever body part. LOL I've already had to argue with some of the docs over NSAIDS one doc told me there was no reason I couldn't take them!!! I'm crossing my fingers I get some help at Dr. Anthone's visit. I'm to the point I'm afraid to take anything at all!!
Morning again Sue!
With all the problems you've had with your pouch, has revision ever been talked about? Sounds like your surgery was a botch job! Big city docs were never my cup of tea! I'm going to talk to my cardio about alternatives, when I was discussing surgery with him he seemed to know quite a bit. Maybe you should consider coming this direction for treatments? I did come across NSAIDS that was ok to use, possibly check this one out, Arthrotec. Manual says that it's being used. Always worth checking into. Sure hope that Dr. A can help you out. When was your surgery again?
my memory slipping with age. IF I ever get your direction we'll have to get together. Haven't been your way since I caught the bus in Omaha last summer. Good luck with Dr. A & let me know how it goes for you. Will be thinking of you.

Good Evening, This GI doc is the only one who will treat me and you don't get to talk to him, you talk to his PA. She does a lot of blah blah
all the right things to pacify you, but nothing gets done, she always has to "talk to the doc" and get back to you. I'm a little limited on how far I can travel, my jeep is on it's last legs. I had a lap RNY on 9/16/03 and I've had ulcers ever since. Thanks for the good thoughts and I will post after I see Dr. A. Take care Sue
OK, this list of meds you can't take after surgery is overwhelming to me. I had not thought until this very moment that taking medication is never going to be the same after WLS.
So what do you take when you ahve a headache? Liquid tylenol? because of my fibromyalgia (or what we think it is, which is probably do to obesity), I take a load of napricin and generic naproxen, and motrin, advil, you name it on ibuprophens. I also take tylenol pm every night to go to sleep. those pills are pretty big.
I am just reeling from this.