What are YOU Thankful for?
Morning friends
Tis the season to give Thanks. So what are you thankful for?
My family & friends
Dr. Shinnerl for giving me a chance to live
Wearing size 18 instead of 30's!!! (BUT will I EVER get smaller sizes?
Finding OH Site & friends I have made here.
To many to list
Where are all the past posters at?
Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving & BTW I'm up for adoption
the kids are going to the outlaws, Katie to her dad's, my dad off to friends. My plans? Getting Christmas decorations up. We had our family Thanksgiving earlier this month to work around everyone's schedule's. Anyone in my area should come over on Friday night, our town is having their 1st parade, there are drawings going on, on Saturday there is a soup lunch followed by Santa coming to town & the stores are having BIG sales. Let me know. Anyone braving the sales on Friday? Think I will hibernate
I hate crowds.

NO I will not be shopping Friday morning......I normally do, but I got so irratated and pissed off last year, just not worth the couple dollars off anymore!!! ( which for me to say that is a miracle, becaue I love bargains....lol ) Poor girl, all alone....to bad we weren't closer, I would love to have ya!!!! My outside decorations are up......I will finish by decorateing the inside this weekend.......we will probably put a tree up in the middle of next week.....we like to go to the farms and cut them down ourselves......I love it!!!! We have a very fiesty 6 month old ****apoo, not sure if she will try tipping the tree.......I think she will have way too much fun with trying to steal ornaments and presents!!! We will see I guess! Things I am thankful for
Having my life back, being able to enjoy myself
Dumping when I eat to much junk
Family and friends
I still have a lot to work on, but I know I am on the right track now at least!!! Everyone have a safe and memorable holiday weekend.....Stay warm and Take Care

I HATE fighting crowds! Mom & I use to go every year & had so much fun. I think when she passed the fun went out of it for me & I just don't enjoy it any more. In fact it took me several years to rummage again as that was one of our favorite past times. AND I haven't seen anything worth shopping for!!!
finished my shopping a few months ago so I wouldn't have to fight holiday shoppers.
I'm sure my cat will try to climb the tree again this year
spray bottles work so well!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello Carolyn
how are you? im doing good have some stressful things im dealing with right now but it will get better. we put are christmas decorations up last week it was fun I love doing it. tomorrow were just having family over and I get to cook. i'm not going to even try and shop tomorrow,lol I am thankful to have my life back and be healthy and the love of my kids and my husband . take care and have a safe holiday
I guess I am thankful to be alive and that my dad is still alive. with both of us having almost died this year really makes you be thankful for a lot of things. I am also thankful that my mom is in good health. I am also thankful that emms tests from Blanks children Hospital all came out good and they gave me ideas that with help with her headaches with out medications. I am also very thankful for Dr. Josh Smith for doing all my surgeries on me. I am also thankful for all the new friends i have made this past yr on here on obesity help. I am also thankful that Robert and I have work threw our problems and we are back together and very happy. And we are very much in love and playing on having a family when we get together in May. lynda