Really freaked out here
OK, I am really freaked. I am currently in the waiting mode. As soon as the doctors all ahve their notes sent in, I think the weight reduction center will send in for insurance approval. So that could be any day and I am just sitting here twiddling my thumbs. the problem lies in the fact that I have been trying all these different protein drinks and they all taste like **** to me. I have never been a drinker of milkshakes and trying to make myself drink them now is not happening. How have you all handled getting in your protein? the shakes, i bet? I just get sick trying to drink them now, what is going to happen afterwards? I am just sitting here freaking out about not being able to get in enough protein after surgery and getting sick and since this is irreversible, I will be screwed.
I did try the Pro-Stat at the weight reduction center. It was like a thick cough syrup. It said you could mix it in a beverage (yuck) or just take it straight from the spoon. I guess that is how I am going to have to take it. Anyone else here use pro-stat? it is expensive.
My mind in working overtime and I know it is not a productive use of my waiting time, but I can't help it. I want to comply with the program. I want this to be sucessful and to regain my health, not lose it by not taking the supplements.
Can anyone relate to what I'm talking about here?
Welcome and we're glad you're waiting with us! One way to get your protein in is to use double milk. It's 1 C skim with 1/3 C instant non-fat dry milk powder and SF Nestle Quick to taste. That's all I used at first.
Have you been to Susan Maria's web site? If not, go there and order some samples of Nectar. I especially like Fuzzy Naval and Strawberry Kiwi. You can mix it with Crystal Lite or jus****er. The Fuzzy is good in pineapple orange or sunrise orange and the strawberry is good in strawberry kiwi. Check out You will get as many opinions on which protein is the best as there are people on the board.
Just don't stock up on too much. Your tastes do change after surgery. What is okay no may not be okay later. There is also a product called AdventEdge. It's okay but I can't stand it now. But for the clear liquid stage it isn't horrible. You should be able to get that at Wal-Mart.
Don't worry too much about how much protein you get in the first couple weeks. The really important thing is fluids. Work really hard at getting in 64 oz a day. It seems rather daunting at first, but by a month or so, you can drink pretty fast. Just remember to sip constantly at first.
I know that my last dietician visit before surgery had me really freaked out too. I couldn't figure out how there were enough hours in the day to drink all that was required of me especially that slowly. That phase passes quickly and you will be just like anyone else. Eating three small meals a day and drinking 64oz or more a day. Just take a deep breath and ask us lots of questions. We've all been there!
OK , do you happen to know how many grams of protein that concoction of skim milk, dry milk, and nestle's is going to be?
On the Nectar, I got some of the samples and I tried the fuzzy navel, mixed in water and it was AWFUL!!! So, you're suggesting I try mixing it in the powdered crystal light, right? What ratio? Like how much of the crystal light to how much nectar to how much water? I just could not stomach the nectar alone mixed with water. Maybe that is my problem, trying to mix this crap with water. I don't remember them saying I could drink skim milk in the beginning, but you did and that was OK with your doctor or program?
I'm trying not to give up but I need more options. I am just so scared about this protein thing. I was trying to steer clear of nutrasweet, but that does not like I can do that in the beginning. sigh.
thank you for so generously answering me.
No Lyn is saying to mix the fuzzy navel with the crystal light already made make a big ole conatianer of crystal light and use the crystal light instead of water.....I am with you tho.....all of the nectars made me wanna
The smell alone scared me off!!! The double milks have at least 16 grams of protein.......I added nestle stuff, or just vanilla too! I have found my faves to be Elite brand...they have a really good chocolate mint and a cafe mocha......I mix one scoop with a 8-10oz mug of hot (not boiling) water......mix it up real good, and it is a yummy cocoa drink, a lot of times I throw on a dallop of coolwhip too!!! I would reccomend as Lyn did to try samples first!!! I get most of mine at To me they have the best prices on product and shipping! I do also shop at too, just not as much anymore! Oh yeah and the Elite with the water has 22 grams of protein with only 112 calories! If you use milk it is like 30grams of protien and 200 calories! Go to your biggest grocery store or super walmart (walmart being cheaper) and try the Carb countdown Choclate has 12 grams of protein per 8oz.....a lot of people just use that! Easy to get too! I would use that but my kids and hubby drink it, before I get a chance! Lyn, is right is almost impossible to get protein in at first.......just concentrate on fluids and healing, it will come eventually!!! Take Care

Hi Jean,
First of all welcome "aboard" the Iowa Board
My surgeon isn't into the protein drinks although I have tried some of them. I like Adkins the best. BUT believe me your tastebuds do change after surgery. Word of advice? Relax hon. You will be surprised how many proteins you find in foods. Also fresh out of surgery you won't be able to get down all the water & proteins, that will come in time. I'm getting in enough proteins with food so don't need the drinks. I love the Adkins yogurt drink (can't think of name of it right off) especially very very cold. The "weighting" game is the hardest of all. We'll keep you in our thoughts & prayers. Post anytime that's what we are here for

Welcome to a wonderfully supportive place! The Iowa boards are phenomenal in support! Your feelings of being overwhelmed are absolutely normal! You will continue to question how you can do things and your mind will work overtime for a while. I even dreamed of food and recipes and how I would be changing my habits.
After surgery, you will need to focus mainly on fluids, according to my program. If you can make those fluids be protein drinks, you are killing two birds with one stone. Shop around and find something that you like. I know that it may be a waste of money, but try to get samples if you can. I agree with Jesi - I like the Elite. She can help you with websites, if you need some ideas.
Know that we are here during your wait. Keep us informed and hang in there!
God bless,
Welcome to the board....i hated the waiting also...on the protein drinks are gross i agree. i have only found one that i like. it is called roadside lemon aide. it actually tastes like lemon aide. i can tell a big difference in the way i feel that day when i have drank some. I drink two glasses a day and i get my protien in for the day. which is really good. i did at some times tried this other stuff and it isnt suppose to have any flavor so i do add it to the road side lemon aide just to up the protien. i did try it with food but sorry it was gross and i couldnt handle it....... good luck.....lynda