It's the weekend, any plans?
The boards are pretty slow on the weekends.......but I am home and was wondering what everyone else is up to? Looks like we might be spared rain today in Eastern Iowa......The last week has surely sucked, so dreary and wet! Are plans are to put out the Christmas decorations and lights today
I am excited I love this time of year, I love having lights up!!! This afternoon we will be taking a break and taking the girls to see the big yellow sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea, SpongeBOB! I am still trying to wiggle my way out of it, my hubby loves cartoons, so he is exited, and I do like doing things with my kids, but I HATE cartoons...and it is like 2 LONG hours! Then Sunday we are going to a friends b-day party, that will be fun! Other than that, usuals of keeping the place clean and laundry, cooking, cleaning, all the FUN!!! I hope evryone is having a safe and fun weekend!! Take Care

I am a Christmasholic! I love the holidays and go way overboard decorating. I have 2 trees up, with the 2 big ones left (9' and 8') plus the garland for the railing. A couple years ago I flew down the steps while doing the garland. I am very careful now!
Life is pretty good. I can now see my collar bones! My legs don't rub together when I walk, and I can shop in any store I please, much to my hubby's dismay!
So tomorrow after church, I will put up another tree. Hopefully by next weekend, I will be done. It use to take me 2 weeks to get everything up. I'm hoping it will now take me less time.
You forgot to mention something about getting ready for a new job................. Good luck with that. I'm so excited for you. It will be good for you to get out of the house for some "you" time!
I survived the slumber party - even with an extra girl (older) that Anna invited and I didn't even know! Fortunately, she went home at 9:00! (Oh, girls asleep by 11:30 p.m. and up by 6:00 a.m.) Then back up this morning to go to the Festival of Trees parade with Micah, Anna and 2 of her friends that stayed, (the others couldn't stay and go to the parade with us.) WE FROZE!!!! It doesn't help that I don't have a winter coat!
This afternoon, went to a concert that my nephew was in at Augustana in Illinois. Then shopping a little. Tomorrow, we have one more party with family and then we are done with birthdays until next July. Whew!!!
Hope your weekend is great! Wish you could have come Friday night! I could have used some adult sanity!!!
Talk to ya soon,
Hello Jesi,
my weekend was ok Friday nite went out with a frind and went danceing and saturday took the kids to the festival of tree parade that was neat, and went shopping then today just chilling and cleaning, sorry I missed you wednesday my hubby had it off and wanted to spend time this week will be busy with thanksgiving I have family coming over but it will be fun. take care have a nice holiday
HI Jesi!! Funny you should ask about the weekend thing...I am suppose to be cutting down getting ready for my surgery and we have 3 birthdays to celebrate this weekend..My father inlaw, my son and my grandson. cake, cake, and more cake. A good friend of mine took my husband and I out to supper, she is newly divorced and we help her by plowing her driveway, taking her daughter to catch the school bus, odds and end things that neighbors just do, and she has been wanting to do this for a yr. anyway, she took us to the new steak house on 53rd and Utica Ridge Rd. in Dav. called Granit City....AWESOME food!!!! I highly recommend it. Then we went Karakeing LOL I love to do that!!! Thanks for asking.
Heres to lighter days to come...Debi