I've gained 6.5lbs since surgery HELP!!!!
Hi all...THanks for your thoughts and prayers! Iam starting to feel better, just a lil stiff and sore yet, also very tired! Sooooooooooo depressed I have gained 6.5 lbs since my surgery on Monday, has anyone else done this after a surgery...Jesi????? If so how long did it take for you to lose it again??? I was so close to goal and now it I don't know if I'll ever get there???
Janet S
I didn't gain any weight
Sorry.....I know it is very common tho, all the water weight and your body adjusting....I hear it is very common to go up like 14lbs! I am sure once you start feeling better and getting your energy back , it will melt right off ya! I wasn't allowed to eat for almost 48 hours before my hysto.....like 24 hours of fluids...then nothing.....plus really I had nothing but coffee and creamer for like three days after.....I couldn't pass gas so they wouldn't give me food.....and when I did finally toot......everything they gave me was FULL of sugar and I couldn't eat any off it.....or like hot beef sandwiches......don't eat potatoes, don't do bread......just not good choices.....I had major problems with the dietary staff.....I think they were trying to starve me!!! So I am kinda the oddball on this......I am sure you will get to goal, you are doing awesome....and remember those last few pounds are the hardest....Take Care and hope you start perkin up soon!

Hey woman....sorry to hear of the weight gain...last month when i weighed in i gained a lbs. i was so mad at myself...i really pissed me off so i have gone to where i am watching my weight and what i eat....like crazy....we need to get together and catch up...have a good thanksgiving....lynda