Was Interviewed Yesterday
I posted I was going to have a visitor yesterday. I did, her name is Jennifer & she writes for the Des Moines Register. The Register will be running stories in January online & in the paper. Jennifer found me here on OH, read my profile & has been watching me.
I have to say she is very excited about doing this story, very sincere in her questions & has taken a great interest in not only reading but also in her writing. This is going to be a VERY POSITIVE story!
Also there will be stories on people who try to diet on their own. The questions she asked were great, they were positive, nothing de-grading. Jennifer will be returning to interview Katie as well. She feels that she needs to let readers know that obesity is also genetic. I told her my feelings concerning obesity, alot of those sit out there & judge us for being obese, they think we sit in front of the TV watching soaps & stuffing our faces with chocolate bon-bons! Well, don't you feel that you were judged that way? I sure did. There will also be a photographer coming this way to take pictures of me, sure hope he has plenty of re-placement cameras!!!
We talked for several hours & I really enjoyed myself
I felt like we had known each other for years. Anyway wanted to share this with everyone

this is so great. I am so happy for you!!!
I had an article run about me this last spring, because of myself, and 2 co-workers have had weight loss surgeries (the other 2 had lap bands) but it was a very positive peice about us as well.
She got so much information though.. I just wish she would have put more in there, but anyhow, it ended up being a good story. I have copies of it here, but not sure if I can still find it online.
They came to town to take our pictures, and he had us go up to the grocery store, and put up all these bags of potatoes toshow how much weight we all 3 had lost total together. it looked pretty cool, but it was a pain in the a$$. I just wish he would have just taken our pics at the nursing home that we all worked at! lol
anyhow, good luck and congrats on this. My only advice is to keep hounding them to put it in the paper, they kept promising us it would be next week, and next week.. etc, and I finally emailed the editor and said if you arent going to print it, at least send a copy of it to my family, since I had told everyone about it!
One of the last lines of the article, was something I said... and it really fits still today.
I said.. I Look down at the big 12 inch scar on my belly... and it separates me, from the person I was and the person I am becoming.
anyhow.. good luck and congrats again Carolyn
Big hugs to you