I have pics posted on (http://www.) if anyone wants to go see them. Katie told me yesterday need to put up new one! I'm now down 74 lbs.
I did get an email from them yesterday saying if I want to keep this site it will cost $20 per year I DON'T THINK SO MAYNARD! So will try & find another place to keep updated pics. Does anyone know where I can do this? Katie messed with the puter, think she tried to get into the Carnie pics so I can't even get on that site anymore
Thankfully I never deleted the pics. Still need to burn them off.
I will be posting later today, having a visitor & will share later with everyone. I'm excited about the visitor, but (evil me) that's all I'm going to say right now. Everyone have a good day

You're Looking GREAT Carolyn!!!
I use webshots alot for my family to check out digitals I take...they are free for the lower end (plenty of room for pics)