11/15 Roll Call, goals (Come out, come out wherever you are!)
Oh my gosh, Jeri, your tt is coming up so soon! I'm sure that you will pull things together this week and do what you know you are supposed to be doing. Are you still getting in some exercise? Remember that you need to do that. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh that hernia must hurt! What a wonderful job on the sizes!
Thanks for the birthday wishes. Be sure to remind us about the surgery before you have it!
God bless,
Morning All & Happy Belated B'day Andrea
I dropped 5 lbs this past week so am doing the happy
I'm still in 18 pants, but if I could find 16 1/2's that would be great as the 18's are getting loose around the waist. I have lost so much in my legs that I can't get a nice fit with jeans! Men's jeans always fit better on me but no longer, the butt really droops there to! My butt is disappearing, never thought it would. Oh ya still have the top part of tummy that rolls around how I hate that.
I'm going to just keep on track drinking lots of water & eating more protein. I got an answer back from my surgeon who isn't concerned about my carb intake, he's more concerned about the protein intake. All surgeon's are different though.
Anyway feeling great & hope everyone else is to. We've been hit with the cold/flu bug but am hoping my vitamins I take will take the edge off maybe I won't get hit so hard!

Wow, Carolyn - I'm envious with the 5 pound loss!!! Butt shrinking, loose skin hanging - sounds familiar......................... I love pants now and just bought a new pair this weekend (cheapos from Wally World), but still cute pink flare leg corduroys (sp? - my brain is tired). Glad that you talked with your surgeon about the carbs and are comfortable with what you are doing. I am trying to cut back on the carbs, also.
Hope that you get feeling better soon and thanks for the birthday wishes.
God bless,
Good morning~late as usual..........hahah!!!! I hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday!!! I think the peanuts and apples sound like a great treat! After all it is YOUR day, do what you want! I did real sucky last week......Jason is super swamped at work and stressed, so he brings it home and isn't very nice.....SO I have really been on edge and not doing so hot.....Man I really reach for the wrong foods when I am pissy....and I reach for them often
Oh well, today is a new day and a new week!!!! I can imagine you are in a 12 top, you are so little, your top is small.......I AM BRINGING MY DIGITAL CAMERA WEDNESDAY SO EVERYONE CAN SEE HOW LITTLE YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!! my boobs are gone
just a whole bunch of skin stuffed into a B or C cup, so sad!!! Well that is enough to make me wanna go eat, how depressing~except for it being your birthday
Take Care and I will try if you try! I think I am going to the Y tonight!!!! See you soon! Everyone else have a great weel too!!!

No cameras, no cameras, Jesi!!! LOL Talk about little - what about you?????
Sorry to hear that things are so stressful for you. I hate it when stress is brought home! You can unload Wednesday night if you want to.
Let's see, whole bunch of skin shoved into a bra - yep - that describes the girls quite well!! I'm doing pretty good this week - not writing things down, bu****ching what I eat.
Can't wait till tomorrow!
God bless,
Hi everyone:
My goals for this week are:
1.) Limit carbs
2.) limit snacking (evenings are the worst!!)
3.) Continue to exercise 5-6 days a week
4.) Drink more water
I am down to a 12/14 pants. I have wore a few tens (with elastic waist)
One problem I have with pants is they're always loose in the legs and rear! I usually wear a medium to large shirt. I'm down 106 lbs now, but this month that darn scale is moving ever so slow!!! I think when I get A T.T. clothes will fit better!! Everyone have a good week!!!
Sounds like we have the same problem with the carbs and evening snacking. I personally think that it's something I do to stay awake - fatigue. My psychologist is trying to help me work through it, but it's not helping.
Wow - 12/14 pants- can't imagine and a medium shirt, too?!>! Wow! Great job. Itsn't it the truth that a tt will help clothes fit better???
Hope that your week is going well.
God bless,
Hi Everyone,
This is my first post to the Iowa board...I am in Sioux City and just starting the process which seems to be going REAL fast....we must wait until after the first of the year for surgery because DH's insurance is changing Jan. 1 but I am going through all the rest of it until then (keeping me busy for sure)...
I went to the seminar w/DH
had my psych eval today
support group meeting tonight
3 hour eval tomorrow
support group tomorrow night (behavioral)
our hospital/drs require we complete their program before surgery which costs 1200.00 but the support and information is WELL worth it...
I will try to get the word out about this board to all at the support meetings also...
nice getting to know you all
Welcome to the Ia board!!! There's alot of supportive and great people here!! Get ready for the ride of your life!!! The whole process from gathering info, until you have your surgery is quite a journey!! You will feel many many emotions, and have all kinds of experiences!! It will all be worth it in the end!!! Best of luck, and keep everyone posted on your progress!!! DeeAnn R. open RYN 4/02/04 284/178/150
Hi and welcome to a very supportive place. So sorry that I did not respond sooner - have been on the computer a little here and a little there lately. There seems to be a bunch of "jumping through hoops" in the beginning stages, but just remember that your surgeon and the program staff believe those are the best ways to make sure you are healthy and a good candidate for surgery. Hang in there!
Post often so we can get to know you.
God bless,