11/15 Roll Call, goals (Come out, come out wherever you are!)
Good morning,
Wanted to get this out early so we can get as many as possible to respond. Let's help to hold each other accountable this week. I know that I need it, that's for sure! This past week has been okay, still working on that evening grazing and trying to get past that. I also am cutting back on the carbs again starting today. The dietician told me to add some carbs like f/f pretzals before working out, but I am going to try to only do a few with a cheese stick or a protein drink instead. I do have one triump - since today is my b-day, we bring treats for the staff at school. I was struggling with what to bring because I have fought so long to NOT focus on food - I wasn't going to bring anything at all. Then I saw some big cans of peanuts at the store last night. So, the staff is getting protein and fruit - peanuts and apples. I brought a big bushel basket full of delicious crunchy apples and put up a sign that says, "here's to your health, Andrea". Hope they like it - but bet that something junky like chips or chocolate would have gone over better.
Goals this week include:
1) Limit and write down what I eat in the evening.
2) Get to the gym at least 5 times (it is going to be a hectic week).
3) Limit starchy carbs and low carb peanut butter.
That's enough for me. What are your goals?
Question of the week - what size are you in now? I surprised myself yesterday and bought a size 12/14 sweater. AHHHHHHHHH that can't be! Pants are still 18, but probably could have gone down to a 16. Bra - well, that's still 38 D, but almost C
Please remember to lift those that are having surgery today and this week up in your thoughts and prayers!
God bless all,

Hey there!
Well... I have now lost 152 pounds since Feb! 180 since last year at this time!!! WHEW! At times I feel like it is just not going fast enough. It really is a mental thing, isn't it? I bought a pair of 22 jeans at the thrift store yesterday, and in a few months, maybe even weeks, they will be fititing! I am currently in a 24/26...but it all depends on the brand. And, these are all ZIP UP! In the stretch ones I can squeeze into an 18/20...but I LOVE being able to wear ZIP UP PANTS! Oh! and I had to buy the coolest pair of brown leather chunky heel shoes because my good ole adiddas tennies just don't do justice to a nice flared leg jean! LOL!!
My goal this week is to stay away from SNACKS!!! GRR...especially at work...I'll have a handful of nuts here and a handful there, then some milk, then some animal crackers, then some cottage cheese, and then, OMG, some m&m's....DAMNED if sugar does NOT make me sick! I need to FOCUS and stick to water while I am at work. Gonna go get some propel today so I am prepared! I haven't been exercising like I should, especially since they are adding a mezzanine to our gym at the rec center, but I heard it is done now, and the gym is functional again, so I best be getting my butt back there!
Can't believe it is Christmas time again! Anyone want to have a Christmas card exchange? has anyone had this idea yet? I know it is going on on the main board, but I think it would be neat to do it with fellow iowans!! Let me know, we can get something going!!
Have a GREAT week everyone!!
Congrats on such a tremendous loss, Tracie, and on the smaller sizes. I love to wear pants that zip now, as well and even have one with a belt on today. Of course, you can't see the belt because I have to have a long shirt to cover that hanging stuff that I hope a tt will take away some day. I am trying to get into some different shoes as well. Just haven't been able to buy the chunkies yet.
Ahhhhhh, the snacking demon. I fight it every day and it has been winning lately. I am on track today. Just remember to take one moment and then one day at a time.
Good luck with goals this week.
God bless,
Hi Andrea (Happy Birthday!) & everyone else,
Last week went pretty good. I went to water exercise 5 days and did some workout here at home the other days. I picked up a Body By Jake Hip & Thigh machine at a second hand store for $10. Now I'm looking for an instruction book to make sure I'm using it correctly. The Internet hasn't been much help as apparently they no longer make them.
I lost 5 lbs last week!
See, Andrea, there is hope for us yet. As if today I have lost 150 lbs. If this keeps up I'll wegh less than my husband in just a few days and will have met the 3rd of 3 goals I set a couple months ago- hit 200lbs, lose 150lbs, & weigh less than Al(so what if he's 6 inches taller, numbers are numbers.)
I did a pretty good job staying away from snacks over the weekend, which is my worse time. I've noticed that for some reason, I feel full much faster than I have been. That's good as I was starting to worry about the size of my pouch.
My goals for this week are to continue the 5 exercise sessions, get to the fitness center at work(didn't get to take one break during the last 2 weeks at work so didn't set foot in that room) remember to take my pills & drink more water. My other goal is to finally figure out why I can't get my laptop & desktop networked. I am about to call an expert but I'm just too proud to admit defeat. It's got to be something easy. I mean if I can get to the Internet from my laptop by going through the desktop, I have a connection, right?????? Although I haven't done any of this in several years, this is what I went to school for! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Thanks for the birthday greetings, Dixie. I've never heard of body by Jake thing. Have fun with it. I got some new killer exercises for the abs from the trainer on Saturday and want an exercise ball to do them at home, too. OUCH!!
Congrats on losing 5 more pounds. You are going to top those 3 goals in a matter of days! Just wish that I would lose that much! Good job with the weekend. Mine wasn't too bad, but was home all day Saturday and those snacks kept calling my name. Not horrible, but not as good as what I wanted the weekend to be. Today is the start of a fresh new week!!!
My goodness, woman, we have the same issues sometimes - I, too, have worried about how big my pouch is now. I hope that I see the same results that you have after jus****ching things a little more closely this week. It will be hard, though, because it's supposed to be a PMS week (hasn't hit yet).
Well, good luck with the computer and goals. (Computers are foreign animals to me.)
God bless,
Wow, Laurie, what did you change to help to lose 3 more pounds last week? I want to do it, too! Congrats - and on the small sizes. You are an inspiration. Are you going ahead with a tt? Last time we talked, you were meeting with the doc to discuss it. Let me know.
Thanks for the happy birthday and God bless,
I think I need a little reality check! Since my TT is scheduled for Dec. 14, I decided to try and just MAINTAIN my weight. Well, that didn't work, and I put on 6 pounds! So my goals for this week are:
1. Remember what high protein/lo carb really is!
2. And that just a taste is ok, as long as you are not tasteing everything you can get your hands on!
3. Remember what 380 pounds felt like, so as not to go there again.
As for sizes, I went from a 5x top to a 22/24- still do not like things too clingy. Pants are 18/20 if they are stretchy, 22 if they are not. My hernia is large enough that anything tight over the tummy is kind of uncomfortable.
Happy Birthday Andrea- hope you had a great one!
Jeri H.