Support Group in Ft Dodge
With Doctor Ver Steeg moving to California I was wondering what was happening with the support group. I have recieved an email letting me know that the support group is meeting TONIGHT, November 15th, at the Ft Dodge Public Library in the meeting room (to your left as you enter the building). Weigh in's will start around 6 and the meeting will be around 6:30. Doctor Ver Steeg and Phyllis are now in California and are getting adjusted and will start work next week.
Hope to see you at the support meeting this evening... or a fraction of your old self anyway...

Misty, the following is part of an email from Sue Baedke, she is the one that was the speaker of the meeting.
"We had our first support group meeting (on our own)
last Monday,
November 15th at the Fort Dodge Public Library in the
meeting room. It
is a great facility. The meeting room has video
equipment available, in
case we have a speaker that needs it, and even a
kitchen attached, and
the price is right (free) We have booked the first
and third Mondays
for the entire year of 2005 for our group. If there
is a holiday on
Monday (July and Sept.) then it will be the Tuesday
of that week. The
group decided that a big Christmas party was not
really feasible this
year and opted to have a casual pot-luck party at the
library on
December 20th with our meeting night. Please bring
something to share
and a grab bag gift of about $5.00 marked for woman or
man. It was also
decided to have casual meetings without all the rules
of procedure, then
everyone is more likely to participate. We want
everyone to feel very
comfortable and interact and ask questions and give
input freely at all
meetings. When we give self introductions if someone
doesn't want to
tell the amount of their weight loss, just give their
name and pass. If
you have reached the triple digit club (100 pounds
lost) or more, you
can also just say "I'm in the triple digit club".
So I guess the answer to your question is YES, the first
and third Monday. Usually weigh in begins at 6:00 P M and the meeting gets started around 6:30.