I just found this site....and need suggestions and support please:
I just found out that my insurance is changing the first of the year. It will only cover 50% of the a surgery if I do it. I am disabled and have medicare also, but don't know if they cover something like this? I am so tired of feeling the way I do, and just need some help on what to do. What is step 1? I am not able to exercise like most people, will this eliminate me as a candidate? I know it is important. I can exercise in water, just not in the "normal" capacity in a gym. I am at my wits ends. I had my thyroid removed in 1991, prior to 1987, I did not have a weight problem. I kept asking the DR, what to do....for 3 years, I let him say, it was a hand to mouth problem, by then I had gained 75 lbs. I was so upset, because I knew I was not eating and I was running at that time 2 miles a night and doing arobics 3 times a week. Plus chasing 2 kids around....Finally in 1991, a different Dr took a test and said thyroid. I had to have it removed on one side and 1/2 on the other. Well, by then, I had put on so much weight...I have just dealt with it over the years and have worked myself into a situation of needing to lose 165-170 lbs. I never imagined myself like this. Since I became disabled because of my disk degeneration, everything ha**** a brick wall. I have read so many of your messages and see where I want to be, just don't know where to start. Thank you for this site. You are all a glow of hope for me.
Hi Kathy,
First of all welcome to the board. I also have medicaid/medicare & they will pay!
Medicare just won't pre-approve the surgery. Do you have a surgeon in mind? Not exactly sure where your town is. There is a place to find a surgeon on the Main Board if you need help finding one.
I'm so sorry to hear of your health problems. It's tough there is no doubt about it. You will find on the Ia Board there is great support
For Medicaid I had to get the past 5 yrs medical records from my PC & take them to the surgeon. Again, I'm not sure if Medicare has any requirements the surgeon's office submitted to them & they paid. My guess would be since Medicare pays 80% it might be such a thing that you will be 100% covered as your insurance will pay 50%. Hope this helps. Feel free to email me or post either is fine if you have any more medicare questions will try to help you the best I can. Do you qualify for medicaid? Be sure to post any questions or concerns you may have we'll try to help you out any way we can. Have a good weekend.

you have come to an awesome place for support and advice. With your medicare more than likely you will be covered for the surgery you just need to have your surgeon submit the correct information and with your diagnosis I don't see a problem with insurance. I am not an insurance person but I have read a lot over a long time and have read alot of diagnosis in which people were approved. SO what your insurance doesn't cover more than likely medicare will cover. Talk with your dr. Alot of obese people find it hard to exercise it is hard on our joints etc and let alone its hard to breathe with all that excess weight. After your wls you will feel so much better and exercises will come a little easier but with your disk degeneration you will still probably have pain but taking the weight off should help decrease your pain. I am hoping for the best for you and wish you good luck in your new journey!

medicade will pay for this surgery. they paid for all of mine and for the whole time i was in the hospital. so just have them send it in and try. This site is great i love it. i am so glad i come here. we all have been threw different things. some of have had more complications then others. so we will all tell you what we have been threw if you want to know. we are here for you.......lynda