Need a butt chewin and some ideas
Thanks so much for the kind reply. Too funny about not needing any more calories! Thanks for the giggle!
I'll take the hugs, too!
The support here is wonderful and the reason that I love this site so much!
(Sorry so short - I'm falling asleep at the computer.)
Thanks again and God bless,

Thanks for your post...I haven't been out here in a long time cause I'm having so darn much fun !!!
Glad to hear I'm not the only one who's stalled but I haven't really cared cause I feel so darn good.
I still have another 50+ to go after 18 months but I tell myself that I didn't put it on in 18 months so whats the hurry.
I can bend, walk stairs, dance, swim and enjoy life so I'm not sweatin a few pounds.
Keep up the good spirits and thanks for making my day !!