Well, what a week. I totalled my car. And all Dad can do is yell at me. and says, that my car was only worth $2500 because of the mileage, and there was $2200 damage. A semi and trailer pulled out right in front of me. and there was a car behind me who decided at the last minute to pass me right when I had just gotten into the left lane. The guy stopped, and looked at the car, apologized and says it was part his fault and the semi's fault. and ran off. I was stupid one. I didn't get his name or license number. Because to me, there was no major damage to the car, but when I got to school, I couldn't get my passenger door open. My right front fender is pushed in so bad that my door won't open.
I haven't slept for 2 weeks. I'm calling my doctor today. To see why. I think it's my antidepressant.
Sorry, about the message, but I had to yell. Besides the day before all this happend, Dad bought Mom a new Envoy, that is fully loaded with leather heated seats, and a DVD player in the backseat. It's cool! Thank goodness I wasn't driving that.
Take Care
So, why did your dad yell at you if it wasn't your fault? That's why they're call "accidents"! I'm sure you didn't get up that morning and tell yourself that today you were going to total your car! Glad no one was hurt. It's always such a shock when you get hit. I tend to get really dumb.
At least you didn't hit a house! My son did! With his Jeep. He was trying to impress a girl, (figures) and didn't see that the lady in front of him was turning into her driveway. He clipped the left rear of her car and it threw the Jeep up across her yard, over a brick planter with gas light, and into the side of her house. I think he was 17. Shortly there after, our insurance company "invited" him to leave our policy.
Thank goodness you're okay! Hope the week gets better for you.
I'm yelling right back at you - ARE YOU ALRIGHT??? The important thing is you - not the vehicle. Then, we can think about the vehicle. So sorry to hear that this happened. I know that it seems sometimes that bad things never cease to happen, but try to look at the bright side of things and remember that we care.
God bless,
Hi Lisa,
From personal experience my dad yelled at me when I had his pickup & got clipped, wasn't my fault either. BUT with losing my 2 brother's to "accidents", this was his way of dealing with it. He was yelling out of fear of the "what could have happened" to me in that accident. As long as you are ok that's all that matters,you can always replace a car NEVER a life.
We always see what we should have done after the fact, called the police or whatever it might have been.......Sucks sometimes! Like everyone else has said, I am just glad you are alright!!!!
I am sure it could have been a lot worse, like you said, imagine if you were drving the new car.......then your dad would have had something good to yell about...lol!!!! I hope you find some relief from the sleeping problem, that sucks.....what kind of antidepressents are you on that are keeping you awake? Good Luck and keep us updated!!!