Well, I made it through surgery today and I think I was actually a great patient. I asked to see the mass that they took. It was bigger than I thought....they did say they had to take some surrounding tissue just in case. I was released about 6pm tonight with some Vicadin.....yeah! They told me it would take a week or two to get the results back. It is a bit painful in that area but otherwise I feel good. Thank you all for you prayers. It really helped me feel more at ease. Have a great night.
Much Luv~ Stacy Wis.
Great news, and welcome back!! It is better to be safe than sorry, that is for sure!!! I will be praying also for good results.....When I had my hysterectomy they too sent a lot of stuff of to be biopsied, cysts, fibroids, etc....I hated waiting.....but the results were all fine, and so will yours
Take Care and I hope your boob feels better