Psych evaluation... take 2
I tried to get my first evaluation last Monday, but the psych department here at school is totally unorganized, so I made an appointment with a psychiatrist in Burlington, IA. It's at the same place where my dad got his done, except with a different doctor. They take my insurance, so I'm not too worried about the cost. The thing is it's 3 and a half hours away. .. I dont mind the drive, but have you seen the cost of gas lately!! I'm sure it's going to be worth it... I just can't wait to finally have this over with... the insurance part is stressing me out more than thinking about the actual surgery. Maybe it will seem more real after I get my date... can you all relate?
It is a beautiful time of year for a drive.......My surgeons office was over two hours away each all of my testing and pre-ops and post-ops are a drive.....yeah the price of gas sucks, but worth it! And this is only for your pysch you won't be having to go back and forth! Yeah it seems like such a long haul when we finally make up our minds to go thru with the surgery......but all the bumps are so worth it in the end!!! Take Care and hang in there