11/8 Roll Call and Goals
Good afternoon, everyone,
How are you all today and how did you do towards your goals last week? I still have not recorded any of my eating in the evening. I know, that I need to work on that again this week. I have not done too badly, though, with my eating, protein drinks and supplements. Exercise is going great because I continue to be addicted to the gym.
Goals this week are:
1) Keep track of foods that I eat in the evening.
2) Try to get on here at least every other day. (Please know that I do read all of your posts, just have not had time to reply.)
3) Get a protein drink in daily.
4) Kick up the weight loss - want to lose another 15 pounds by my 1 year anniversary - in a month.)
What are your goals now?
Now, for some dreaming.............. A woman in my little town just won 1.2 million on the riverboat. What would you do with that kind of money? I would give a large portion to the church, pay off some bills, buy a nice house in the country (nothing extravagant) and be sure that we all had decent vehicles to drive (again, nothing extravagant). Oh, I would quit working and focus on my family and then on doing something else like writing children's books. Have fun dreaming!!!
God bless you all,
Good Afternoon Andrea,
this is a great week...today i am so excited and happy for a couple reasons. 1) is my sister and i are talking again and she just called and told me she is preg. so i now have a place for all my fat clothes....2) i am in a size 12 now. 3) and the biggy i am starting school the 22nd of this month. All my classes will be online which will be cool...
goals this week 1)get my house all cleaned so i can put up my christmas tree (i know what about thanksgiving making up for missing last christmas)
2) walk more
3) exercise more
Now what would i do with that kind of money with part of the money i would start a grant for people looking into this surgery and need help with it. and to help the families out if they have complications with this surgery. pay off all bills then i would buy myself a nice big house and a nice car and then set some money aside for the kids to go to college when they get older. then i would donate money to domestic abuse since they helped me out when i was getting out of my abusive marriage. i would say though a big chunk would go to people that needs help with this surgery and giving them the help they need.
have a great week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on mending the fences with your sister and the upcoming new niece or nephew. (I can't fight with my sisters - they are my best friends. I also can't wait till I can have another bambino!!!) Congrats on the size 12! I don't think that I will EVER be there. Glad to hear that you are going to go to college. Work hard on your goals this week - not so sure about the Christmas tree one yet - my hubby would have a fit if I wanted to put up a tree already!
Wow - you sound like you have such a giving spirit to want to help others out so much. Thanks for the smiles.
God bless,
Hello Andrea,
how are you? my week went ok just had the pms which I hate. Went to a hocky game saturday night that was a blast we bought the cheap seats and right before the game the staff came up to us and told us we won the magic carpet which we got to move to the very front row so that was awsome by the way were moving to Indiana in june so im looking forward to that my hubby is transfering to his job there plus we will be closer to his family. well my goals this week are
less snacking
go to the gym at least 4 times this week
drink more water
get some cleaning done.
well lets see if I had that kind of money I would built me a house, put money away for the kids for collage, buy all new vecheles, travel, and help others.
have a great day
Hey girl - how are you? I'm hanging in there. PMS _ EWWWWWWWWWw I hit the carbs hard then. Can't keep doing that - it just sabatoges my weight loss. Sounds like the game was fun - and to get the nice seats is wonderful. Now, hate to see you moving, but if you will enjoy the move, it's a good thing. I guess we got you till June at least!
Sounds like some good plans if you were to win money. Good luck on goals this week.
God bless,
I didn't post my goals last week. I was too frustrated with my lack of weight loss so soon again. However, last week I started going to three more water exercise classes so now I go 5 times a week. These are in my hometown's pool & they work the arms a whole lot more than my other class. I really need to work that bottom half more. Oh, and I did lose a couple pounds this weekend.
My goals
1. Make myself get up in time to go to the water exercise classes. Who needs more than 5 hours of sleep anyway?
2. Make it through this last week of having to do everything at work alone. Just 5 more days of it & then no more overtime for awhile. YES!
3. Stay away from snacking especially on Saturday & Sunday night, my downfall.
If I won that kind of money... as much as I love my job, I would quit it. Probably I would buy a new car, just because I could. I would hide the money from my husband because he would just spend it on the farm anyway & invest that portion for our retirement. I'd build a sunroom with space for my exercise equiptment & a hot tub. And of course, I would give some to the church.
Hi Dixie,
How are you doing? I'm sorry to hear about your frustrations. Please remember that muscle weighs more than fat. I have to keep reminding myself of that as well because my weight loss is crawling slower than a snail! I think that I'm down to 194 now (darn scale at the fitness center!) I feel like I should be down lower than that, but then I look in the mirror and see those "Swo Guns" (translation - swollen guns or big muscles) developing on my arms and know that I AM making progress. I have about given up on the bottom half. I like my shoulders, arms and feet right about now and the rest is just a saggy mess. Thank GOD I won't need to have surgery on my feet!
Good luck making it through your week of overtime. With that and trying to get in more work-outs, please be careful not to wear yourself out too much. You DO need sleep - don't bypass that - don't want you falling asleep in your car!
Ahhhhhhh, the idea of a sunroom with hot tub and exercise equipment sounds so nice!! I wanna come join you and we can float the flab (like Carnie said she did) together - NAH - mine would be covered up in a swimming suit FOR SURE!!!
Hey, I talked to Barb the other day. She was out raking leaves and had only been home for a day. She sounded like she is doing well. I gave her my phone numbers just in case she wants more local support.
Have a great week and God bless,

Thanks for responding back, Andrea. I'm glad to hear Barb is doing well. I haven't talked with her since the surgery. We talked the night before the surgery & I told her to e-mail me when she was up to it. If I don't hear from her soon, I'll give her a call. Raking???? She must be feeling pretty good. I didn't do much at all for the first few weeks.
I got into a hot tub at the pool yesterday & for the first time ever, I didn't float to the top! All the fat I used to have made me bob up like a cork! As far as the loose skin, well, in water it has a mind of it's own! I move one way, it moves the other! I look down & it's waving at me and yes, it did attempt to escape the hot tub. It tried to make it to the top of the water but I didn't let it.
I believe we are having the same issues with our bodies. From the waist up, no one can tell I still need to lose weight and don't believe that I am still close to 200 lbs. I am a size 12. My neck & shoulders have absolutely no fat on them & the tendons & muscles in my neck stick out. I feel like a body builder. However, the bottom is a totally different story & will even when I make my goal weight. I don't look as bad as that lady that was on Oprah but still am pretty pathetic. My husband saw me in my bathing suit today for the first time. He has been pretty appreciative of the changes in my body (if you get my drift...) & when he saw me he just said, "Ooooo. " I didn't have the nerve to ask if that was a good or bad "Oooo." I don't want to know. One thing I do know is that this surgery is a cure for impotence! No more little blue pills for him! And Janie, if you're reading this, miracles do happen!!! TeeHee.
Dixie-= you're too much!! Cure for impotence HEHEHE!! My hubby has a hard time keeping his hands off. We've both enjoyed the physical changes in my body. (Thank God for wonder bras!!!)
About the flabby's - I am so tired of the loose inner thigh skin flappin back and forth while I work out that I am embarrassed. Oh well, jeans sure look good!
Talk to you soon,
Morning Andrea & all
My goals for this week is to get under 190's
I'm at 193 this morning, finally getting down from the 195-197 marks. I up'd my water & doing good with that. And looking at fitday.com more. I'm not sure how many carbs should be consumed per day so did find a diabetic doc online that recommends this 6 for breakfast, 12 for lunch & 12 for supper. Trying to follow that. And trying to get in more calories, not doing good in that dept.
If I won that kind of money?
you must have been reading my mind
I have bought a lottery ticket per week the past month never hurts to dream!
Our town voted down a Wellness Center & walking trail so that would be a MUST! And in my dream NOBODY is left behind all kids that are students would have free membership & families would go on sliding scale according to their income.
Make sure Katie has a trust fund & the twins have enough money to pay their bills, get new cars & buy a house.
Take care of my dad
I would build a house for myself & put in a guest house just for him, he's 72 yrs old.
AND I would have my Reunion Ranch in the mountains of Colorado

Ok, so I dream big, but dreams don't cost me anything
Donate to my church
AND set up scholarship fund (music) for the kids.
The Wellness Center would be a Memorial to my mom & 2 brother's. Not carried away much am I?!!
Katie & I went to the class play last Saturday night. I had a couple of ppl come up to me & say they didn't recognize me! One gal said she sat & stared at me wanting to know who was sitting with Katie!!! Made my week!
Have a good week all