Must be nuts
Well going to get you all up to date on what is going on in my life. i got both kids in therapy full time besides myself..we all see different people. went to court last week became very depressed afterwards and have been fighting with the depression all week long. But i am ok. I have therapy tomorrow and i am going. i finally broke down and told my mom that i am going to therapy she was upset but i explained it to her and told her i was going no matter what. now for thinking i am nuts i am going back to school. not sure yet on what i am going to take. but i have to redo some classes so going to do them this winter and then this fall i will see what i want to do. I am also looking into moving into a house it is in the country but on pavement so wont be so bad. but thinking of that when i start college in jan might be better to stay in town cuz i can walk to the college and back. Speaking of walking. if the kids want to go out to eat for supper i make them walk to where we eat and walk home. they are like oh mom do we have to. so i say well if you want to go eat yeah. i am loving to walk. i rather walk then drive now a days. shock city i know. my mom and sister are like amazed....well i need to look up more grants and loan to you all soon again........lynda
Hiya Lynda
Good luck to you in school! I worked as a paralegal (work comp) & loved it. Since Carrie has chosen to stay home for a while I'm going to check back into working at Mid-Step where I had worked before. This job is working with mentally handicapped. I worked in a Residential home & just loved it & have missed it dearly.
Country living is great especially for kids. I love the peace & quiet of the country life!!
Wish I could be in your shoes to be able to walk!!!! Keep the kids going on the walking & you keep up the good work.

GOOD for YOU GF!!!! I think it is wonderful that you are going back to school! I also think it is a good thing that you are going to thearpy, you have been through alot!!!
Sometimes I wished that I did live in town so that I could get out and walk more, but than again I wouldn't trade the country life for nothing! Is a good place to raise kids!
Have a good week,
Janet S
Im proud of you!!!
I am SO proud of you! It's not an easy step to take, therapy or school. You will be fine. It may make you nuttier than normal, but school is never a bad thing! Would you have even considered either before you had surgery? Since you've made that change in your life, you may as well just keep on changing! There's no stopping you now! Look out world, here comes Lynda!