So I went to my "psych eval" today, but it wasn't at all what I thought. I went in and had to fill out some papers and then I waited a long time and "Brad" called me back to his office. He did like a little interview and then he told me that I'm going to have to come back because the information the insurance company wants requires more than just and interview... BULL! I'm not happy I just wanted to get it over with today and have them fax it and be on my merry way...
ok I'm calm... there are supposed to call me by Friday and set up an appointment for me to come get evaluated... grrr plus they want me to pay $100 and don't take insurance.
Does anyone know of someone who does take insurance and can do it all in one appointment?
i know it is frustrating on the psych part we all thought that. but take it from someone that is post op it is very very important and go to all the appts. and go afterwards. one thing i have found out and i am sure alot of people will agree this isnt just a stomach surgery it is also mental. you have to think differently and you have to do alot of sole searching. so people may say it is really easy no problem. maybe for some it is but i think alot of people dont want to admit we need help. cuz i was one of those people that didnt want to go to therapy and now i am going once a week to deal with the stress and other stuff.................lynda