Looking for info on Dr. Dwain Rogers.
Hello everyone,
Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween. I am a Bypass survivor going on 2 years and have been out of the loop lately. Playing with my new found freedom. I was wondering if anyone has heard anything negative or positive about Dr. Rogers in Council Bluffs. I was talking to someone the other day who said that Rogers had some bad experiences. I haven't heard of any and can't find any on the chat rooms/ or messge boards. Rogers was my surgeon and I think of him as my salvation but before I blast back at this fellow I want to have the facts. If this is a smear campaign, I would like to know. Anything would be appreciated.
Good luck to everyone and if you live in South West Iowa (or anywhere for that matter) and need support give me a call. I went through hell and back and lived to taunt the devil another day.
Mark Frederiksen
Griswold, Iowa

Hi Mark--So glad I saw your posting....I am scheduled to see Dr. Rogers tomorrow. I, too, have heard mixed reviews on him, but mostly good things. I suppose I will have to make my own call. I did talk to one lady last week who said she says a prayer for Dr. Rogers blessing him for her new life. She was wheelchair bound beacuse of her weight and was very excited to show me that she can now walk around the block!!! She swears by him. I think the 'rumors' I heard were mostly about him not following up on his patients and not having the best bedside manner. However, that lady I spoke with said he is wonderful about follow-ups and questions.....so *****ally knows. I am glad that you have nice things to say about him, because, like you, I could not find anything on the internet either. Does he do good follow ups for you? Did he give you a list of do's and do not eats and anything about vitamins, etc.? My daughter is against me having this done, but I truly feel this is the last resort as I have been on every diet known to mankind.
Please reply when you can....Linda
Hi Linda,
Good Luck with your surgery !!
Dr. Rogers is awesome !! I like the NO B.S. attitude when talking about surgery.
I was his first male in the new program so its hard to tell what its like now. I remember talking at length with the dieticians because they wanted to know what I could eat and couldn't eat so it was a learning experience for both of us back then. But based on the enthusiasm I would be shocked if it were not great.
I called up Fawn and asked what the 'h***' is going on over there and she told me that he took on some patients that needed to be fixed from previous (other surgeons) botched attempts at surgery.
Whenever you take on a high risk patient there is going to be longer recovery times and this is what happened.
But to date.....NO ONE has died.
I still might be the closest.
I had an infection behind my lung that was misdiagnosed as pneumonia.
Darn near killed me but once diagnosed I was back home in a week.
I need to lose another 50 + ponds but I'm not at all concerned. I didn't do this to make myself pretty. I did this to live like I was dying.
I made a list when I was sick and have achieved all but the dance lessons.
I swim, jet ski, remodel homes again, build motorcycles, rode a Harley thru Sturgis and found a renewed (sssssssshhhh) sex life ???
I threw away my high blood pressure medicine almost immediately, diabetes is gone, sleep apnea...gone. I only snore on rare, really tired occasions.
I haven't once...for one second ....regretted the decision.
Yes, I do miss 'woofing' down a good Famous Daves meal but I have learned to adjust. When going out I almost always have soup because its safe and usually won't plug your stomach. I can drink a lot of beer if cut with tomato juice. (cuts the carbonation) and I sample throughout the meal.
Some of the myths that I must dispel our:
Your stomach cannot grow....physically impossible. It might stretch 30 % but then goes back to normal.
Soda pop, beer is fine....won't hurt your stomach at all. Won't do much for weight loss but ????
There are no staples,stitches to 'pop' after your stomach is healed. Its a perfect little tummy.
There is nothing that you can't eat that you could eat before surgery. I eat everything !!! Not very much at a sitting but everything.
I have a friend who swears when she rides roller coasters she can feel her extra/old stomach move but I haven't felt that at all.
If you do plug, try throwing up, its really easy cause there is no stomach acid. If that doesn't work drink a little meat tenderizer in water. I was told this by another friend and it did work.
If that fails lay down and go to sleep. 8 hours of sleep has always cured my 'plug' if all else fails.
After you have the initial 'BIG' weight loss. You will gain some back....I personally don't care cause it took 30 years to put it on and it comes off a lot easier in the summer then the winter.
Rogers has sh** conniptions if you don't lose constantly....BUT.....my slooooow weight loss has a side benefit of very little loose skin.
I had the full support of my whole family. Yes, they know the risks and didn't like that but they knew how misserable the weight has made me.
I was tired of being 'FAT and Jolly'. Then there was the health issue as I was getting older, 47 at the time.
No one has ever said that I took the easy way out. First I would probably punch them, then I would nicely explain that it was the hardest life altering decision that I have ever made. With a marriage you can divorce the person, with a bad car purchase you can sell it. With this surgery you are stuck with your decision for life...life...life and I mean this in a GREAT way !!!
I would be the last person to tell your daughter not to worry but just let her know that you are willing to take the chance. That should say it all.
Good Luck and if you want to e-mail direct feel free anytime
Mark Frederiksen
[email protected]