Good afternoon everyone,
I'm here briefly to say hello and see how you are all doing on your goals. I didn't do too well for hormonal reasons. Halloween was HARD. I bought some s/f reeses peanut butter cups and whitman's s/f candies, but found that I dump on the peanut butter cups. AHHHHHHHHHH!!
Major goals this week:
1) Get on this site at least every other day.
2) Get in fluids in the evening instead of eating the night away to stay awake.
3) Log what I eat in the evenings.
That's enough for me this week, now how about you? What are your goals?
With the weather changes, it makes me wonder what your ideal weather is? Do you like it cold and windy, snowy, hot and humid? I personally love fall - walking through the leaves, the crisp fall air and the clean smell of leaves. What about you?
Have a blessed week everyone.
God bless,
I'm with you on fall weather. I love it! The air is so clear and the sky is so blue! My next favorite is early spring just as the grass is greening and the first bulbs are blooming.
Goals? Gee, if I had set any, then I could tell you how I did. I've been bad. Eating too many carbs and not exercising enough. I WILL DO BETTER! I have my 6 month check-up next week and would like to be down another pound or 2 by then. I really wanted to have lost 90 but don't think that's gonna happen. I'll settle for 85.
Better get my hamburger thawing for my chili or it won't be happening today. Stay warm and dry!
-48.25" and 84 pounds!
My goals were going really well til the kidney stone hit so I can barely walk let alone hit the gym. By the end of the evening last night I practically had to have the kids and hubby carry me home. Walked probably 3 miles trick and treating with kids. Although being in so much pain I have no appetite and they want me to push the fluids so I am pretty much drinking my stomach full so maybe I'll lose, I did hit the century mark last week though now this week down 104 lbs YIPPEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! Goal is to just get through Friday and hope these things pass. I love the fall as well, used to be because I could hide under the bulky sweaters, now I need them to stay warm. My hubby is po because I swiped his coat since I mine are too big to wear until I can find another one. Have a great 1st week of November and remember to vote so they will stop calling and stop the commercials. Take care and God Bless.
Hello Andera,
I am doing alittle better went on the weigh****cher point diet,lol plus working out in the gym I had a couple of pieces of candy but limeted myself. I hate this cold weather . im getting excited though my husband might have to transfer for his job and where they want him to go is where his family is in Indiana so were planning to move there in June we want to wait till the kids are out I will misss everyone but I will still keep in touch but I am looking forward to it it will be a fresh start and they have jobs there. but my goals are
drink water
less carbs
hope you have a good week
Hi Everyone
I love fall when it's crisp outside. And like most of you I find myself wearing sweatshirts! Can't believe it as I'm the one who always wore shorts year round!! NOT NOW I'm cold & snuggle under the blankie....love it though.
I'm doing pretty good with my goals. I have really up'd the water drinking over 1/2 gallon a day pushing for a gallon. My weight bounces between 195 to 197 BUT I'm below 200 & that counts. I envy those who are able to go to a gym for me I would have to drive 60 miles round trip & I simply can't afford to do it. I hate this nasty rainy weather we are having & they have even mentioned the 4 letter word for Wed.
I agree get out & vote. Think we should run campaign commercials to ban the political commercials!
Have a good week all.

Been having a stressful week last and dont see this week getting any better. i have to admit i look forward to my therapy sessions. we all are in therapy in this family. Emm goes tuesday, Jake goes wednesday and i go on thursday. had court on friday and i will just say not so good. so this week goals are to stay positive, get over this cold, walk, and journal. well i am going to go lay down since this cold is like kicking me. lynda
Let's not even talk about last week!
This week:
Concentrate on protein and water!
Limit sunflower seeds! (they are really addictive and very salty!)
Find a rain coat for me and the beagle, and hit the streets.
For some reason, I'm unable to make myself go to the gym. It's just no fun going by myself, and with my daughter doing full time school and work, it's just more convenient to walk. I love this cooler weather!
Jeri H.
I second Jeri.....Lets not talk about last week......lol!!! Actaully the begining of the week actually went pretty well, it was the weekend that sucked!!!! And of course now I am all drained, in a carb coma, and want to just sleep away the day, and night........GGGGRRRRR!!! I goot get back on track or I will keep feeling like POOP!!! My patience is running almost non-exsistent!!! My poor kids
Anyways this week, take control of myself again.....more water, all my pills, GOOD FOOD CHOICES~VERY LIMITED CARBS!!!!!!!!!! Plus I am going to try and walk a couple times at least, we will see!!! I hope everyone has a good week! I am gonna try!

My ideal weather is fall; followed by spring. I really love thunderstorms. The only time I really like winter is when there is a real snow -- and blizzards! I rarely enjoy hot summer days. Of course, that may change now that I'm getting a new, sexy body!
My goals this week are:
1. drink my water/get my protein
And thats it! I have to start small, because that is going to be a huge success if I actually get my water and protein in.
On a side note, I'm going in for another scope and ballloon on Friday. Woo hoo! Wish me luck.
Enjoy your day!
Hello All,
Last week was a blur and I don't think I set any goals, which is probably why I didn't reach any either. I am just getting back from support group tonight and I must say it was very inspiring! I am glad I went; they had people get up and talk about their WLS journey and how they have found success. Now, down to business, GOALS:
1. Get in ALL supplements!!!Don't want nerve damage (I do have numbness in places).
2. DRINK, DRINK, DRINK . . . oh and a DRINK!!!!
3. Find something different and tasty to eat (starting to get bored with food)
4. Find time to relax and have some me time!! (not happening lately-- I started an after school computer club at my school).
As for weather--I love the fall--ahhhh, the fresh, crisp air; the beautiful colors, and school!!!