What is everyone up to?
I don't like gloomy rainy days like this......so depressing! I rally wanted to re-pot some plants today too
It is a great day tho to start with a nice hot chocolate mint protein drink with cool whip! After this weekend I am gonna do a few days of strict protien! I bought all candy that I don't like so I wouldn't be tempted.....but the girls got all of my faves, and the neighbor brought each of my kids little baskets Sat with all of my faves......I don't dump
on little amounts of sugar......so I was spacing them out....just every once in awhile having a little candy....NO MORE I tell ya! So how did everyone else do with the candy? Have a great day, and stay warm!!! Hey did anyone blow away Saturday with all the wind...it was crazy windy here in Dubuque!!! Take Care

Hey, Jesi! I am pretty proud of myself. I did have a few pieces, but I didn't eat all of it!
I sent it all over to Grandpa's house with me son. LOL! I didn't want it in my house. I sent it all. That way I couldn't eat it all. My son and I walked for an hour and half. Plus we went to Living History Farms and more walking. I am claiming that as my excercise this weekend.
I surprised myself walking that long/far. I think Curves is paying off. Now, just to get thru the next two weeks!!!!!!! I need to do a few days of all protein as well. I don't want to weigh any more when I go to the doc on Thursday.

Hey - Jesi - sounds like you didn't do too badly! I know that I would be horrible if I didn't dump!! I did try some s/f reeses peanut butter cups and dumped on them.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Am I just abnormal or what?
Yep - blew away Saturday. It was brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr cold!
Hey, I'll call you soon,
We had a great week of dressing up and trick or treating! The kids had so much fun and I have to admit I have had a few pieces of my faves. I feel like having something i want...even a bite and throwing the rest away is much better than obsessing about it, eating it and then feeling guilty...NO MORE GUILT...I refuse. My mom in law is having her surgery right now and I have not heard anything yet...I'm a bit nervous, because she's the 1st lap in that program. Everyone say a prayer...i'll keep you posted.
Hey great to hear from you, sounds like you have the right approach, bite the junk then throw it away........lol!!!! You will have to keep us updated on your mother-in-law......I knew Genesis was training for the lap, but I had no idea they were starting so soon!!! I will be praying for her!!! Take Care

I didn't have even a single piece of candy. We went thru almost 10 pounds! This neighborhood is wall to wall rug rats! Plus I bought what I don't like. That helps.
We are enjoying our new furbaby. Her name is Sunnie. She is a 3 1/2 yr old sable collie girl. A little nervous about things but definately a lap dog! We crated her this morning when we went to work. I came home early to be sure she was okay. She was. But as soon as I let her out, she proceeded to take each toy out of the basket and move it into her crate! She is so funny! Off to the vet in about an hour for a checkup and a shot. Could be interesting. She spooks at everything.
Windy, raining and generally yucky here in Des Moines. A pot of chili needs cooking and a fire needs started!
Hello Jesi,
havent been doing to much hate this cold weather. I took emily out 2 nites in a row so we have to much candy I had a couple of pieces I am trying to get will power,lol it was real cold sat so we didnt get to go to the zoo, but she had fun though. I want to get back and see you before bad weather comes. I will drop you a line,take care
Hi Jesi & All
Guilty as charged I have had some bite size snickers they were always my downfall. Now got that out of my system I'm looking forward! It's funny as I haven't craved chocolate so don't know what happened. All I can say is we are all human & that is the bottom line.
my dad told me I better stay in the house I was liable to blow away if I went outside! He's to funny
I had to take Max (my Shih Tzu) to the vet this morning, I had bathed him & used Hart stuff on him for fleas, well it didn't work & he bit & itched himself so bad he has caused a staff infection! He got 2 shots & 2 weeks worth of antibotics & hopefully this will help. He hasn't been itching hardly at all so hoping it's going to work. Just been busy around the house today, this weather is making me tired!