Found the Mayo Clinic link....Nerve damage Made a copy of this and am gonna schedule an appt. with my Dr. Don't know what else to do as I do take my vitamins religously???
Janet S
Hey GF
That is really a good article put it in my favorites. Interesting to say the least. Are you taking it in to Dr. Shinnerl? Think I will take it along to my PC who wants to go over my blood tests. My PC didn't take my B12 levels so Shinnerl's did when I went in need to call & find out what was on those also. I believe thiamine was on my blood workup but don't remember & left the results over there.
Hope you had a good time on your trip....& now big question what about the gallbladder? Let me know.
Love ya

I have the actual study now. This article is just the write-up about the study. The study was published in the Neurology journal on October 26th. My neurologist office said that he did read the study already. I still haven't gotten through it all because it is long and hard reading - lots of medical terms. The article that Jesi was referring to also was about the study done by Mayo. I think that this DEFINITELY needs more follow up studies!!
Hope your visit to the quad-cities was fun@!!
God bless,