Who Watched Dr. Phil yesterday?
Ok gang who watched Dr. Phil yesterday & what did you think?
I was disappointed we didn't get to see more of Carnie
I did think the show was done in good taste though. Dad showed up just as the gals were getting ready to sing so didn't get to see rest of show. AND for the BIG breaking news I had to almost laugh about that one. Don't think that it was very imformative, was a waste of time & besides that it broke into hearing Carnie!!!! Ok, shouldn't bring politics into this but I'm going to. I'm waiting for President Bush to "get" Bin Laden within the next few days right before election to make himself out to be the hero 

Am so sick & tired of all the commercials right now!

Hiya GF!!! I watched it and thought it was very good!!! Once again though I thought the cameras made Carnie look much bigger even though she had said that she has put some wieght back on, they never mentioned that she is pregnant???? Oh and I liked Dr. Phils comments at the end about having the surgery, how it can save your life!!!! Not so sure I cared about the part with the hubby and wife.... oh well!
Im with ya on this politics crap though...I too am very tired of the commercials and I too really thought they would have found Bin Laden right before election, what a dissappointment!!! Im not gonna vote so I guess I do not have much to say otherwise, just don't feel like either one of them can do much justice here!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend, will try to give you a call,
Love ya,
Janet S
I watched it Carolyn, but it was around 2 this morning so I may have snoozed a bit & missed part of it. My opinion was that Dr. Phil was biting his tongue to not say it was the easy way out but he believes it. He tried real hard to be fair. It wasn't bad but I feel he wasjust placating viewers who have complained about his negativity towad RNY.
As far as Bin Laden & politics, well, I hope he does get caught within the next few day but I doubt it would change the election results. If Bush wins(and I am voting for him, by the way) people have already made up their minds.
Hello Carolyn
I also thought it was real good I wished we could of seen more of her also but they did perform at the end which was good. with the couple I have no opions,lol but I thought it was good though so hopefully now Dr Phil will understand more where we are coming from and its not the easy way out.
I watched....it felt so bad for the gal, the younger one who had the surgery and now eats just as bad as before........it is sad......when I have bad days or think I am doing wrong, I will remember her and be thankful for the control I do have! About the couple.....he posted on the main boards the day the show aired....he thanked everyone for the support, but he said he is sticking with Dr. Phils program and has lost like 42lbs already.......I think the wife was just jealous and stuff, I am going to try a lot harder with my hubby and help him try and lose weight......After watching that wife purposely try and sabatoge the husband with fast food, I felt really bad, and I wondered if that is how my hubby feels when I pick up junk ( he is 6 foot and about 245, very unhappy with his weight right now) So I am gonna try and do better for my hubby sake.....I don't eat the junk anymore, but sometimes it is easier so I pick it up for the family, I need to quit that NOW!!! So if you can't tell......lol.......I enjoyed the show, it made me take a hard look at things in my life! Take Care