OT Collie
We have a new collie! We've named her Sunnie for the ray of sunshine she has brought into my life! She is 3 1/2 and came from a breeder in Ames. She was using her as a show dog and possible breeding, but her sister was a better show dog. The breeder decided Sunnie needed to be in a home where she would be loved and showered with affection. She has us! She is a lap dog. Wants to be on my lap if I'm sitting down. She's kinda big for that.
Last night I slept in the recliner part of the night because she was restless. While I was trying to sleep, she was busy taking all her toys out of the basket and putting them on the sofa! Worse than a kid! I think she is settling in pretty good. Doesn't want to play with the toys, just possess them. Probably is trying to keep them from any other dogs that may live here! There aren't any others!
A happy dog with toys can only warm the heart. You are as lucky to be sharing Sunnies life with her as she is to be with you! My Abby dog is terrible with her toys. I pick them up to vacuum and she pulls them out of the basket just as quick as I can put them in it. I've had to put her in a stay just so I could vacuum. And heaven forbid if my nieces play with her toys. She isn't mean but she stands real close and waits for them to put it down. Then she grabs it and teases them with it. Once in a while she'll take the frisbee from them, but is always gentle.
A BIG congrats on your new family member.
Welcome home Sunnie
Lyn I am so happy for you. I've always been a dog lover. My Shih Tzu Max is one of the family also
& he has his "girlfriend" as his fave toy. It's a stuffed bunny that's as big as him. He grabbed it out of Katie's room after we got him, she would take it away & shut her door & he would lay outside the door crying & went into a depression!! She finally gave it to him & he's been a happy camper for the past 3 yrs! Max thinks she's a girl
won't go into detail on that one! And he also uses "her" as a pillow. We don't mess around with Miss Bunny.
OT have you heard anything on motels or been able to check anything out yet? Talk to you later.