No more Pop/Soda
I had an appointment yesterday at U of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics as a followup to my first consultation to check the "diet journal" and turn in my supporting documents (PCP letter and psych eval) for them to turn in to my ins. co. During the appointment, I was told that further research has determined that drinking pop/soda after surgery is causing stretching of the pouch an contributing to dimished calcium levels in 1 and 2 year post ops. They had previously said that pop is not recommended, but ok as long as it was diet pop, but now they say NO MORE POP. She also noted that if you had a pop every once in a while, it would be ok, just as long as it wasn't a habit or drunk often.
I just thought it was pretty interesting. I see the question come up a lot on the main message board, but everyone should follow their own doctor's orders, and doctor's orders can and do change as more research is available.

I had heard somewhere that the caffine(sp?) is what causes the depletion of calcium level. I heard this from a local nurse at a health fair. I had not heard anything about the pouch stretching but that is something I am going to discuss this with my Dr. on Nov 1 when I have my revisit to set a date. Thanks for the info....
You know, I had heard about a year ago that it's the phosphorus in the carbonation that leaches the calcium from the bones. The report that I saw said they were linking weak bones in young people (teens and 20's) with the amount of soda pop consumption by this group.
But I know for me, that going back to drinking soda of any kind would be my absolute downfall. It would be no time before the pounds came right back.
It's hard - especially first thing in the morning when I want my caffeine fix- but I'm doing my utmost to keep away from it.
-Deb W.
You know Deb, I think you may be right. I think it is the phosphorus. I just know that when I read your reply it rang a bell too. Whatever reason I know that it will be tough for me to give it up because the caffeine and the carbonation are the only reason I drink pop. Guess that is going to have to stop soon. Maybe while I am at weaning myself I can wean my husband as well...LOL...
When I had my initial consult last Dec, they said NO POP, so I gave up my beloved Dt Pepsi. I have tasted it since then and found it very nasty. I went 6 plus months with NO pop at all, but recently have been drinking dt Sierra Mist or 7UP. Only a couple a week, nothing 'hardcore'.
I can tell a difference when I drink it. It makes me 'hungry'. Hard to explain. I know that when I am craving it, I am just thristy and I know water will do the trick.......
Ohhhhh all those little voices in our heads......
best of luck in your journey

I guess Iam one of the lucky ones, I haven't had a pop in over a yr!!! I was a popaholic for yrs, could drink a 6 pack plus a now I think I have trained my brain and just stay away from it! I do have my 2 cups of coffee every morning to get things moving if ya know what I mean but otherwise it is water water water for me!
Have a great day,
Janet S