This proud 50 yr old calls Maury Show!
I don't stand a snowballs chance in hell but it was fun calling. Did they ask for pics? Main board had several that called & they said they had to email pics. Lots of luck
I NEVER watch him personally got sick & tired of all the crap they air so qui****ching. Hope you make it, let us know.

Making me blush! Did this for the hell of it they only wanted up to age 40
for them! They have asked other's to email their pics & didn't do that to me. That's ok I just wanted to do it to say I did! Thanks for the recipe, is it all right to put it in my family cookbook? I'm publishing a family reunion cookbook have 100 recipes typed up all ready & not even close to being done yet! I have used some from OH Recipe Board. So many of my family are diabetic & there are alot of recipes that can be used. Did you try the mock pizza yet? I don't have the stuff yet but will be making it...told my dad he is going to be getting some good healthy food treats when he moves in! I have several recipes saved & am going to be trying them out. Take care talk to you later.