Update on Me!
Jeri, thanks for posting for me!
I had my surgery and things went really well, was laproscopic and I got out of the hospital on Thursday the 7th. I would of been able to go a day earlier but, i couldnt pee..so they had to keep straight cathing me. Not fun
My first night home i got to experience "dumping syndrome"..my husband gave me grape juice with way to much sugar.
. I guess i got that out of the way in the beginning and i now dont want to try anything sugar for fear of what might happen.
The bad thing for me is that i am STILL on the first stage of the diet...clear liquids! My surgeon has to clear me to the next stage and he went on vacation the day after i got out of the hospital. I see him on this wednesday and he better move me to the next level because i have now been on clear liquids for 2 weeks and i am ready for something different!
But i have been trying to make the best of it and keep positive..i figure maybe god needed me to be on this stage for a reason and i shouldnt question it.
I do have a question..how did or do you deal with the emtional hunger...i am not hungry, but when i see commmericals or my husbands eating something i know i like it is hard to deal with..i want the food...did anyone else feel this way...if so ...how do you deal with it. does it get better with time?
I will post on Wednesday to let you know how things went at my appt.
Thanks for everyones support it really helps to know that i am not in this alone!!

You are not alone....we are all here for ya!!! Glad to hear everything went well.....I hate being cathed...I feel for you! Not so fun to dump right out of surgery huh? Now you know to stay away from sugar.....If you are needing juice, get some crystal light.....wylers.....minutemaid light, or even diet cranberry mixed half and half with water.....make going pee easier too!!! Congrats....I am wishing you a speedy recovery, and let us know about that appt......Take Care

Glad to hear you're on the mend and doing well! Clear liquids for 2 weeks is cruel and unusual punishment! Tell the doc you're ready to actually CHEW something!
Head hunger is the pits. It's something we all struggle with, whether we are 2 weeks or 2 years out. I still have cravings at 16 months out, and have come up with this plan. If I really crave something, I first have to drink an entire glass of water. Then, if I still want it, I eat a portion of protein. If I still want it, I have a little bit. It's better to just have a bite and get over it, instead of eating alot of other things, and still end up eating it anyway! Just my opinion! If it makes you hurt, or dump, you think 3 or 4 times about it next time! I dumped on a couple of bites of ice cream last summer, and have not tried it since! I'm hard headed, but I do learn eventually! Stick with it- it's all worth it in the end!
XXOO Jeri H.
The emotional humger IS the hardest part. I think I went through a morning period for food as I once knew it. Commercials were horible and family eating in front of me was difficult as well. I had to adjust my attitude about food. One thing I did that seemed to help me get over food (especially while on the clear liquid phase, 4 weeks total) was to look at food magazines. I know sounds wrong but I got some kind of satisfaction from looking at the pictures and planning what I could eat a year out. My family thought I was nuts, but it worked for me.
Hope you continue to do well. It gets better.
Hi Kris,
Welcome to the losing side of life!
Uhhhh the clear liquids, was there for 3 weeks due to a leak they found in the hospital which kept me there for 10 days instead of 3! Dumping is no fun at all! I dump (of all things) on instant mashed potatoes! Stay away from them now, don't need them anyway! I never realized how many food commercials were on til surgery, like you never notice the pg women until you are. I swear there wasn't anything else for commercials except food. I'm one of the lucky ones the food was a turn off for me. Love the sugar free kool-aid which helps the sweet tooth cravings. Keep us posted on your progress & ask away if you have any questions.