10/18 GOALS and ROLL CALL (I need you to help hold me accountable this week.)
Good morning, all,
How did you do towards your goals last week? I did okay - got some paperwork done at work and got back to the gym Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Even got an outdoor walk in with my 2 year old on Monday. Eating - I still feel that I am snacking too much, so my goals this week will include a log and schedule for eating.
1) Keep a food log and schedule eating times.
2) Continue to get paperwork done at school.
3) Get to the gym at least 5 times this week.
4) Get on here more often and reply to posts (sorry, I've been soooooo busy!)
5) Get time in with hubby.
OT question - Do you read for pleasure? If so, what do you enjoy reading? I like to read through my Quick Cooking magazines and Light and Tasty mags. My all time favorite book series would be the Left Behind series. It is fiction based on the events described in the book of Revelation in the Bible. How about you?
Hope you all have a great week!
God bless,
I like to read your quick cooking mags too!!!! I do like to read, but I lose interest FAST.......so if a book isn't appealing, I often put it down......I really enjoy the true life crime books, they are my fave......there are a few authors in particular but I can't remember them now. Right now I have two books I am trying to read......Dr.Phils new one "Family First" which my mom bought me, and one I rented from the library.....it is a 12 step program book to understand and overcome overeating etc!
AS for goals.....I did good with eating last week.....had a couple spoonfuls of cookie dough, but other than that I have done good~the last couple spoonfuls made me puke anyways so I am done with that~whew~ now for exercising I have not done well, but I have an excuse....surgery and all I haven't been cleared yet too, still a little sore!!!! I promise to exercise after this excuse is over
I have been a little to lax about my pills......being in the hospital and not taking them for a few days, it is hard to get back into the swing of things.....I am doing good with increasing my water again too!!! Not too bad, the scales are moving in the right direction so I am happy!!! Everyone have a great week.......Andrea~take some time for yourself this week......you do so much, your gonna drive yourself nuts!!
Take Care

Let's see, time for me - hah! Actually, I feel that my time at the gym is time for me. I feel so selfish for taking that time, but if I don't go, I get grumpy - ask Mark!
Cookie dough??? Girl, I'm kinda glad that it didn't sit well with you. That would just open a huge door for me and I would be eating everything in site! I know that you have to work hard since you don't dump like me. You do so good with that!
I'm glad to hear that you are up and moving and getting around. Now, get back to taking those supplements! I bet that you are just a skinny person now! Can't wait to have time to look at your pics!
Hope to see you Wednesday - talk to you soon,
God bless,
Well, I had a pretty good week. I really watched what I ate, especially sodium & that must have done it. Either that or my body just decided to give up & let me lose a couple more pounds. Now, I'm going to be extra careful & hopefully the loss won't stop right away.
I LOVE to read! My sister, the librarian, always said when we were growing up that I always had my nose in a book. She wasn't exagerating. As an adult, before geting a job, I read at least 3-4 books a week. Now, I fall asleep reading, unfortunately. But I drive 25 minutes each way to work so I listen to books on tape instead of the radio. I think I listened to all the Left Behind books that way. They were pretty good. I like pretty much everything but fantasy & Sci Fi. I just can't get into that. However, I inhale Harry Potter. Those can keep me awake!
I'm so proud of you for getting below 200! I'm sure that the scales will be kind to you now. You are obviously doing something right! Keep up the good work!
I, too, fall asleep reading. Once I allow myself the calming peace that comes with sitting down to read, my body thinks that I need to doze off. Enjoy your latest novel and your successes!
God bless,
I really only have 2 goals for this week. WATER and WALKING!!!!!! I have done really bad the last couple of weeks at getting my 3 miles in every day, and drinking water. I have started the week out good though, I walked last night, and got up this morning and walked.
Oh, I also need to get the scoop about the new guy in my apartment building. Hmmmm.....
Have a great week!!!!!!
I like to read, but no time.
For Goals, I don't know if I posted last week or not. I am going to stick to my 72 oz of water, Curves 3X's this week and to be as good as possible. Also try to get my house in order. And not drive everyone crazy talking about this surgery. Can't wait until tomorrow and hopefully I will have a date.
Wish me luck!