80 pounds! And friends?
80 pounds gone today! And I think a couple of friends are gone also. The more I've lost, the more snippy they've become. They don't seem happy for my success. They are both heavy. I've tried really hard to be sensitive when I'm around them and not talk about how much I've lost or what size I can now wear (14
). I've decided I need to distance myself from them because obviously, they really aren't my friends if they can't be happy in my success. True friends support you no matter what. And fortunately, I have several of those plus all of you guys! So I'm gonna be happy and proud of what I've accomplished and sour grapes to them!
On the dog front, we are getting a new Collie in 2 weeks. He's 5 and his name is MacDuff. He's coming from St. Paul thru the Minnesota Collie Rescue Organization. I can hardly wait! 
We aren't replacing Casey, just filling a really big hole in our lives. Back to the ex-friends, they weren't very supportive when we had Casey put to sleep either. Anyway, life is good!

Lyn, you be happy and proud and maybe you should just give those "friends" TWO doses of sour grapes!!!!
Congrats on the new member of your family. I can tell he will be well spoiled.
I still get a lump in my tummy at the thought of the loss of you beloved pet.
I lost my 1st dog in a tragic manner almost 7 years ago. I keep telling everyone that my current pooch, who will be 6 in Jan, is never going to age, get sick, or die.
Yes.....ignorance IS bliss

I love your happy dance for the size 14!!!
I agree some people just aren't as supportive when we lose weight! But know that you are doing great and you should be proud, doing your happy dancin' If they are snippy and no longer supportive, they aren't true friends....You are doing the right thing by distancing yourself and being around the supportive people.....but also be the bigger person and if they do call or what not, be friendly and stuff.......I try now not to waste anytime worrying about what others are thinking about me.....I am happy with myself and I know I haven't changed so that is all that matters! Enjoy that new dog of yours.....I think MacDuff is a great name, no common at all......so cool!!! Take Care